
What Is a Home Warranty? How Much Does It Cost?


You can protect your appliances and home systems with a home warranty. Make sure to include the home warranty cost in your annual expenses.

As an investor, you must prioritize the protection of your investment properties, such as rental properties or commercial real estate. One way to do it is through a home warranty, which is a crucial tool for safeguarding the value and functionality of your investment. With a home warranty, you can ensure your investment property will remain desirable to its occupants.

Table of Contents

  1. What Is a Home Warranty?
  2. Benefits of Home Warranties for Investment Properties
  3. Factors Influencing Home Warranty Costs
  4. Typical Home Warranty Coverage
  5. Understanding Home Warranty Pricing Models
  6. How to Choose the Right Home Warranty for Your Investment Property
  7. Comparing Home Warranty Costs vs. Potential Repair Expenses

A home warranty is a service contract that covers the repair or replacement of major home systems and appliances that break down due to regular use and normal wear and tear. Unlike homeowners insurance, which covers damage from external events like fires or natural disasters, home warranties focus on the internal functionality of the property.

Getting a home warranty for your investment property helps mitigate the financial risk associated with unexpected repairs. Since rental properties are prone to frequent use, they are more exposed to faster wear and tear. A major system breakdown, like a failed HVAC unit or a malfunctioning refrigerator, can lead to substantial repair costs.

With a home warranty, you won’t need to pay for the systems’ repair or replacement costs, ensuring your investment remains profitable. As an investor, you must know how much does the home warranty cost and the coverage that comes with it. Doing so will allow you to determine which one suits your budget.

What Is a Home Warranty?

A home warranty is a type of service contract that provides homeowners and investors with an extra layer of real estate investment protection. It also provides you with peace of mind when it comes to maintaining your investment home. Home warranties cover your home’s appliances and systems if they break down due to normal wear and tear. 

The primary purpose of a home warranty is to help investors manage the costs of unexpected repairs. When a covered item gets damaged or fails to function properly, there’s no need for you to search for a service technician to fix the damaged item. You just need to contact the home warranty company without paying the total cost of a repair or replacement. 

The home warranty company then sends a technician to fix the issue. In most cases, you may need to pay a small service fee, with the rest of the cost covered by the warranty. The covered items usually include your air conditioning system, electrical systems, plumbing, refrigerator, oven, and more. The overall coverage will depend on your chosen home warranty plan.

Home Warranty vs. Homeowners Insurance

A home warranty and homeowners insurance serve different purposes. Homeowners insurance is a mandatory form of insurance for those with a mortgage. Depending on your chosen coverage, it protects against damage to your home due to fires, storms, or burglaries. Essentially, homeowners insurance protects your home against disasters and accidents.

In contrast, a home warranty is optional and specifically designed to cover the costs associated with repairing and replacing systems and appliances due to age and normal wear. Note that it doesn’t cover damage from disasters or accidents. Investors can opt to buy a home warranty coverage or not, regardless of whether the property is financed by a mortgage.

However, keep in mind that home insurance and home warranty expenses are not tax deductible. It means you cannot claim rental property tax deductions for what you paid for the home warranty price if you decide to get one.

Benefits of Home Warranties for Investment Properties

Effective management and maintenance are crucial to ensuring the longevity and profitability of your investment properties. It is where home warranties play a pivotal role. Not only do they offer a practical solution to managing the upkeep of the property, but they also bring several benefits that enhance the value and appeal of the investment.

Here are some of the most important investment property warranty benefits that you should not miss out on:

Protection Against Unexpected Repair Costs

One of the primary benefits of getting a home warranty for investment properties is the protection against unexpected repair costs. Investment properties are particularly susceptible to wear and tear due to tenant usage, which can lead to frequent and sometimes costly repairs. 

As a rental property owner, you should be responsible for the replacement and repairs of the damages. Most of the time, it can be too costly, and the expense could affect your profits. Fortunately, a home warranty covers the cost of repairing or replacing major systems and appliances that fail due to normal wear and tear.

The coverage shields the investor from sudden, significant expenses. In the long run, the home warranty cost is worth the investment. This budget predictability is essential for maintaining the financial stability of the investment.

Attraction of Potential Tenants or Buyers

Another significant advantage is the increased attractiveness of the property to potential tenants or buyers. A property with a home warranty is often more appealing because it promises well-maintained systems and appliances. Tenants are reassured that they won’t face unexpected repair costs or maintenance hassles, which can be a strong selling point. 

Moreover, the quick and professional service facilitated by a home warranty can significantly improve their rental experience. Knowing that qualified technicians will promptly and efficiently address issues with appliances or essential home systems is a considerable advantage. It contributes to longer tenancy periods and reduced turnover rates.

For buyers, the warranty provides a sense of security that they are purchasing a well-maintained property, potentially making the investment property more marketable. Buying a property is a substantial investment. The presence of a home warranty can alleviate concerns about the condition and future maintenance needs of critical systems and appliances. 

Peace of Mind for Investors

Managing an investment property, especially multiple properties, can be stressful and time-consuming. With a home warranty, investors benefit from a reliable process for handling repairs and replacements, reducing the burden of property management. 

Such an assurance offers peace of mind for investors. It allows them to focus more on strategic aspects of their investments, secure in knowing that their properties are well-protected and maintained. Moreover, investors don’t need to worry about additional unexpected expenses every time some appliances or systems need fixing. 

Factors Influencing Home Warranty Costs

When considering a home warranty for your investment property, it’s essential to understand the various factors that influence the home warranty cost. Note that the price of a home warranty is not a one-size-fits-all figure—it varies based on several factors. Shopping for cost-effective home warranties that meet your budget and coverage needs is vital.

Property Type and Size

The type and size of a property are among the most significant factors that determine the home warranty cost. Larger homes generally have more systems and appliances, which increases the potential risk and cost for the warranty provider. It is because there is a higher likelihood of more frequent and costly repairs. 

For instance, a single-family home will typically incur a different home warranty cost compared to a duplex or apartment complex. It is because of the scale and complexity of coverage required.

Furthermore, a property’s age and specific features can influence the cost. Older homes might have outdated or less efficient systems that are more prone to breakdowns, and they need a more comprehensive warranty. 

Similarly, homes with specialized features like smart home systems, high-end appliances, or unique installations such as solar panels might require customized warranties. Typically, they can be more expensive.

Location and Local Market Conditions

The geographical location of your investment property helps determine the average home warranty cost you need to pay. It takes into account the local cost of living, average labor costs, and the availability of certain types of home systems in the area. 

For example, a home warranty in a high-cost urban area might be more expensive than in a rural area, reflecting the higher costs of services and repairs in that region.

Additionally, local market conditions and environmental factors can also impact warranty costs. In regions with extreme weather conditions, like intense heat or cold, home systems such as HVAC units might be under more stress and require more frequent repairs. They may lead to higher prices in areas with greater wear and tear on home systems and appliances.

Coverage Options and Service Levels

The extent of coverage and the level of service provided are also crucial in determining the home warranty cost. Basic plans are generally more affordable and cover essential appliances and systems like plumbing and electrical systems. 

However, the plans might exclude more expensive components such as air conditioning systems or specialty appliances. They can be covered under a more comprehensive warranty, and you can expect they will also be more expensive.

The cost also varies with the level of service offered. Some warranties offer more service calls per year, lower service fees, or faster response times. While the said additional features can be appealing, they also add to the cost. 

In addition, warranties with higher coverage limits or fewer exclusions will typically be more expensive. As an investor, it’s crucial to evaluate your needs against the cost to help you choose a plan that offers the best balance of coverage and value. 

Typical Home Warranty Coverage

When choosing a home warranty, it’s essential to understand each plan’s coverage. You need to compare the coverage against the home warranty cost to ensure you only get the protection you need. It can improve the home warranty ROI for investors. You only pay for what you need, reducing unnecessary expenses.

While specific coverages can vary depending on the provider and plan, there are common elements that are generally included in most home warranty packages, including:

Systems and Appliances Covered

Most home warranty plans typically cover major home systems and appliances. The coverage often includes:

  • HVAC Systems: Coverage usually includes heating and air conditioning systems, which can be costly to repair or replace.
  • Electrical Systems: Electricals can include wiring, circuit breakers, and other electrical components.
  • Plumbing Systems: Coverage often extends to pipes, drains, and sometimes sump pumps and water heaters.
  • Kitchen Appliances: Refrigerators, ovens, ranges, dishwashers, and built-in microwaves are commonly covered.
  • Laundry Appliances: Washers and dryers are typically included in a standard home warranty.

The  covered items mentioned above are crucial for the daily functioning of a home, and their repair or replacement can be expensive, making the warranty valuable for investors. 

What Is A Home Warranty And How Much Does It Cost? - HVAC Systems

Most home warranty plans cover HVAC systems, which can cost a lot to repair or replace.

Common Exclusions and Limitations

While home warranties cover a range of systems and appliances, there are standard exclusions and limitations to be aware of, such as:

  • Pre-existing Conditions: Issues that existed before the start of the warranty period are usually not covered.
  • Improper Maintenance: Failures due to lack of proper maintenance or negligence are typically excluded.
  • Cosmetic Damage: Aesthetic issues or superficial damages that don’t affect the functionality of the system or appliance are not covered.
  • Certain Components: Some parts of covered systems or appliances may not be included. For example, while a warranty might cover your plumbing system, it might exclude fixtures like faucets.

Additionally, there are often limits on the amount a warranty will pay out over a certain period or per claim. Understanding the exclusions and limitations is crucial when evaluating a home warranty’s potential value and effectiveness in protecting against unforeseen repair costs.

Understanding Home Warranty Pricing Models

Home warranty plans typically involve different costs, which can vary based on the provider, coverage options, and property specifics. Understanding how the pricing models work helps investors budget effectively and choose a plan that aligns with their financial constraints and coverage needs. 

The main components of home warranty pricing usually include:

Annual Premiums

The annual premium is the most fundamental cost associated with a home warranty. It’s a yearly fee that investors pay to keep their warranty active. The premium depends largely on the level of coverage chosen. More comprehensive plans that cover more systems and appliances will generally come with higher premiums. 

The size and type of the home can also influence how much are home warranties, as larger homes or those with unique features may require more extensive coverage. When evaluating plans, it’s important to consider not just the cost of the premium but also the extent of coverage it provides.

Service Call Fees

When a covered item needs repair or replacement, the investor requests service from the warranty provider, who then sends a technician to address the issue. The service call fee comes into play here. It’s a fixed amount that investors pay for each repair visit, regardless of the actual cost of the repair. 

This fee can vary between providers and sometimes even within different plans of the same provider. Generally, the fee ranges from $55 to $100, but it can also increase. Choosing a plan with a lower service call fee might seem economical, but balancing it with the overall coverage and annual premium is essential to ensure cost-effectiveness.

Additional Coverage Options and Their Costs

Home warranty plans often come with basic coverage, which can be extended with additional options for an extra fee. Such options include coverage for items like pools, spas, guest units, or specific high-end appliances not covered under the standard plan. The add-ons can determine how much a home warranty costs.

The cost for these add-ons varies based on the item’s nature and risk level. Investors should assess the importance and usage of the additional items to determine whether the extra cost of covering them aligns with their needs. Also, evaluate the likelihood of potential risk of failure or breakdown.

How to Choose the Right Home Warranty for Your Investment Property

Choosing the right home warranty is crucial to ensure that you get the right coverage you need. It can result in significant financial and operational implications on your investment. However, selecting the most suitable warranty requires careful consideration and research. 

The right warranty should align with the property’s specific needs, offer reliable coverage, and come from a reputable provider. If you’re a first-time home buyer, you need to learn how to compare various options and terms to find a warranty that provides the best balance of cost, coverage, and service.

Here are the things that you need to consider:

Researching Reputable Warranty Providers

Choosing a home warranty provider involves thorough research and evaluation. Look for companies with a strong reputation for customer service, reliability, and financial stability. Reading reviews and testimonials from other property owners can provide valuable insights into the experiences of others with the provider. 

It’s also important to check the provider’s history, their business history, and their track record in handling claims. A reputable provider should offer transparent practices, prompt service, and a history of satisfied customers. 

You may seek assistance from an investor-friendly real estate agent to find the best home warranty providers that meet your needs.

Tailoring Coverage to Property Needs

Each investment property comes with unique needs based on age, location, type, and the condition of systems and appliances. The chosen warranty should align with the abovementioned needs. For older properties, broader coverage that includes older systems and appliances might be necessary. 

In contrast, a newer property might require less extensive coverage. Consider your property’s most critical systems and appliances that would be costly to repair or replace. Ensuring these home items are covered sufficiently is vital for effective financial planning and risk management.

Reading and Understanding Warranty Terms and Conditions

It is essential to read and fully understand the terms and conditions of any home warranty plan before making a decision. Pay close attention to what is covered and, just as importantly, what is not covered. Look out for limits on coverage, exclusions, and the process for filing and handling claims.

Be aware of any deductibles or service fees that apply when a claim is made. Understanding such details will help avoid surprises because they are also additional expenses. It can help ensure the chosen warranty meets your overall expectations and needs.

Comparing Home Warranty Costs vs. Potential Repair Expenses

Weighing the home warranty cost against the potential expenses of repairs without such coverage is essential. The analysis helps determine the cost-effectiveness and practical value of a home warranty. By evaluating the potential savings and long-term benefits of a home warranty, you can decide if buying one is worth the investment.

Here are the things that you need to consider:

Analyzing the Cost-Effectiveness of Home Warranties

To assess the cost-effectiveness of a home warranty, start by estimating its annual cost, including the premium and any expected service call fees. Then, compare them with the average annual cost of repairs and maintenance for the property without a warranty. 

Consider the age and condition of the property’s systems and appliances, as older properties might require more frequent repairs. Such a comparison should provide a clear picture of whether the warranty could save money in the long run. 

Remember that while a home warranty can cover several unexpected repairs, it also offers the peace of mind of having predictable maintenance costs.

Evaluating Potential Savings and Long-Term Benefits

You also need to consider the home warranty’s potential long-term benefits and savings. Such plans can not only cover the cost of expensive repairs but also reduce the time and effort spent on managing these issues. For investment properties, in particular, it can mean less downtime between tenants and fewer disruptions to rental income due to maintenance issues. 

Additionally, the warranty can protect against significant, unexpected out-of-pocket expenses, which can be especially beneficial for rental property owners with a limited cash flow. If you are managing multiple properties, investing in home warranties is also recommended to reduce your overall repair and maintenance costs.


A home warranty can be a valuable investment for those who own investment rental properties.  It offers a protective layer against the unpredictable costs associated with repairing or replacing major home systems and appliances. When choosing the best coverage for your property, make sure to consider the home warranty cost, as it can affect your annual expenses and profits.

Remember that making an informed decision about getting a home warranty for your investment can contribute significantly to your overall profitability. 

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With all the above information, you can easily decide which investment strategy is best for your chosen investment property. 

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