
The Connector Training Aid Review 


When I was a teaching pro, I loved having a go-to training aid that could serve multiple purposes for multiple players. 

I still look for tools like that for my own game. The Connector caught my attention as a unique and versatile aid. I really wanted to see how this works in the short game (chipping and pitching) but I was impressed with the all-around game benefits. This one may be worth looking into if you’re trying to become a better ball striker. 

What We Tried: The Connector 

A soft memory-foam wedge-shaped training aid designed to improve putting, chipping, pitching and full swings. The Connector is designed to promote better body-arm synchronization and improve consistency and power in the swing. 

Why Use This Type of Training Aid?

A training aid that improves how the arms and body work together can help generate more power. In addition, consistency in your movements will make your impact position cleaner. You’ll also compress the ball which maximizes precision, ball flight and distance. . 

Who Tried It?

Britt Olizarowicz, MyGolfSpy writer and scratch golfer. I love training aids that can help with more than one area of the game; The Connector advertises itself as being “The Most Versatile Training Aid in Golf” so I had to see if that’s true. 

What Is The Connector? 

The Connector looks a bit like a green foam ball but, when you look closely, it’s not a sphere. There are indentations for your arms. The arms hold The Connector in place and a bar goes across the top to ensure a proper fit.

You’ll also notice an additional piece with a white tip sticking out the front of The Connector. This is used to help ensure you are in the proper position at setup and at impact. Make sure it’s pointing out and away from you when you set up to use the tool. 

The Connector serves a few main functions:

  • Help the arms and the body work together
  • Improve compression 
  • Facilitate an in-to-in swing path 

Testing and Results 

I took The Connector to the driving range but I’ve since used it a bunch at home. You don’t really need to hit golf balls with this to feel the impact it has on your game. 

To get used to the feeling of The Connector, I started with chips and pitches. I could instantly feel the way you have to use your body to turn and that you cannot independently take your arms back without action from your body.

That’s a good thing. 

The best players are able to get their bodies and arms to work together and benefit from that additional power and proper timing. 

Almost immediately after feeling this improvement in the body and arms working together, you’ll also notice how much cleaner impact is. If you struggle with fat or thin shots, The Connector forces you into an impact position that lets you clip the ball cleanly every time. 

It does work. I had no choice but to move the arms and body together. 

The Connector makes it easier to understand the proper movement away from the ball and what impact should feel like. It offers immediate feedback and helps you see instant improvement. 

Overall Impressions

After working with The Connector for several weeks, here are the most important things I’ve learned about it. 

  • It’s a great tool to pick up and work with, even at home, without having to go to the range.
  • You must position it correctly to start. The Sure Golf website has videos that help you learn the proper positions and checkpoints and they are worth watching. 
  • Start with this for your chipping and pitching until you get the feel and concept, then move to the full swing. 
  • Start slow. I have found that a slightly slower backswing can help you see positive results with The Connector. You won’t lose any power by taking the club back slower.
  • I take about five swings with The Connector and then five without. It’s very good at helping create the correct feel but, at some point, you need to do it on your own. 
  • You can use The Connector for putting, too, and it’s quite effective. To help justify The Connector’s cost, I would learn to use it for all areas of the game. 

Who Is This For? 

I think that anyone who struggles with inconsistent impact from irons and wedges will notice the most improvement. However, I can’t say this is just for the struggling golfer. Professional player Eduardo Molinari stands behind this product and uses it in his routine. The Connector works as a good warm-up tool and checks to make sure things are in place. 

Final Thoughts and Review

The Connector retails for $109. It’s not the cheapest training aid out there but you can use it for several areas of your game. 

It’s easy to work with. It helps create a feel that will benefit your game in seconds. I think you’ll find it a good addition to your practice. If you are a self-taught player trying to get that consistent impact position that the pros get, give The Connector a try. 

Is it truly “The Most Versatile Training Aid” in the game of golf? I’m not totally sold on that. I will say, however, that it can help several facets of your game and it’s worth the price. 


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