
The Best News | Concert Promoters


The best news… Because of the thriving entertainment business of live music, there are now an unprecedented number of venues available in virtually all markets- primary, secondary, small, and private, to book and promote successful concerts. From large arenas with a seating capacity of up to 20,000 people to mid-level venues with capacities of 7,000 to 11,000 to theatres from 800 to 4,000 people to small halls from 1,000 to 3,500 people to nightclubs with accommodations from 300 to 1,000 people- the concert business needs new, independent concert promoters to handle all of these venues.

One important fact I have learned over the years is that the only way club owners & city facilities such as arenas, halls, or renovated theaters can show a profit is to use the venue as many days a year as possible. Seventy-five percent of these venues do not promote their concerts or events; they only manage their locations.

Therefore, they rely on outside, independent concert promoters, sports events, private conventions, fairs, etc., to generate rent and concession income to help pay the overhead of the venues. The venues, in turn, are always looking for as many events as possible to fill their locations. That’s where you, as the concert promoter, are essential to these people. Sure, Live Nation and AEG Presents are prominent international concert promoters, but there is plenty of room for independent concert promoters.

I have attached two addendums for your review. My First Concert as a Promoter is the story of the first concert I did as a concert promoter. Read it and realized how exciting it was for me- how cool it was and showed me I could make money doing what I love …… everyone’s dream.

I also have a list of our Concert Promotions showing some of the concerts I have promoted in the past ten years. Some of the acts I only did once… some, many, many times… but all of them were unique, one-of-a-kind special nights, and I will have great memories of them forever! Many acts I started working on within the 1990′s still work with me today. If you treat the artists and their crews respectfully and fairly, they will continue to work with you on their way up the ladder into the larger venues.

Have I made money on all of the concerts that I have done? No, I have lost money on some shows over the years. When you do many shows, the law of averages catches up with you.

I’ll discuss how to minimize a loss on a show that looks like it could be a loser on show day in the Concert Promoters Course.


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