September 2023 Passive Income – A Great Month
- 3 sources of passive Income
- $1,150.03 from dividends
- 15 stocks/units dripped in September
- Trailing 12 Month Portfolio Return +3.83%
S&P 500 12 Month Total Return +21.62% for September 2023
S&P/TSX Composite Index 12 Month +1.55% October 4th 2023
Beating the tsx but getting smoked by the s and p 500. Considering our portfolio is about 50/50 I’m behind the index.
The market had some nice red days but then has quickly went sideways once again.. As always its hard to see red in the portfolio, but in the accumulation phase lower prices are good. Cnr at 145 is great, but it would be a lot cooler at 130 =)
September meant the kids went back to school! Ahhh time to get back to a routine. The kids are loving it, doing great and making new friends. My son finished his first year of rep soccer and tried out once again. He made the team this year once again. Fantastic!
At the beginning of the month we had a kid free day and went on a nice hike and then followed that up by going to the Machine Gun kelly concert in Niagara. It was awesome. Im a big fan of his music and it was pretty amazing to see the range of fans. From kids, to goths, to average joe’s and even seniors by themselves in walkers.. Music really does bring everyone together.
We did our last camping trip of the year. This time at Bon Echo Park. Wow would be an understatement. It is known for its cliff but to see it in person was just spectacular. Nature is incredible, get out there! The weather was sooo nice that we were even swimming every day.
It’s time to pack up the trailer, get fatter over thanksgiving and of course start prepping for halloween. Should be a good one this year. People know about our place now so there’s some pressure to be better than last year now.
Alright, Let’s Get To Our September 2023 Passive Income
Raises/ Cuts
3 Raises this month!
- Fortis decided to get king status and boost their dividend by 4.4% This raise adds $23.60 to our forward income.
- Texas Intruments came through with a 4.8% increase. Some people point to their lower dividend growth rate recently. Its worth noting that those lower hikes came since announcing their construction plans on their 30 billion fab factory in Texas. 2025 should bring double digit increases again in my opinion. This increase adds $8.64 to our forward income.
- Microsoft came through once again with a 10% raise. Gotta love it! $11.48 in added income.
This month these 3 raises added a total of $43.72 to our forward income without adding a penny to the account.
Total Added Income from Dividend Raises in 2023 – Negative $-4.52
Still negative from that algonquin power cut. arg! The stocks just keeps beating us down…
September 2023 Dividend Income
11 Companies paid us this month.
Stocks | September 2022 Income | September 2023 Income |
Manulife Financial | 138.93 (6 Drips) | sold |
Stanley Black & Decker | 12.00 | sold |
Smart Centers | 35.92 (1 Drip) | sold |
MSFT | 18.60 usd | 27.88 usd |
Lockheed Martin | 61.60 usd | 66.00 usd |
Home Depot | 19.00 usd | 60.61 usd |
JNJ | 75.71 usd | 79.73 usd |
Couche-Tard | 18.70 | 29.54 |
Canadian National Railway | 79.84 | 86.11 |
Brookfield Renewable | 114.12 (2 Drips) | 153.44 (4 Drips) |
Brookfield Asset mng | 0 | 13.42 |
suncor | 191.29 (4 Drips) | 221.52 (4 Drips) |
Fortis | 120.91 (2 Drips) | 132.21 (2 Drips) |
Enbridge | 257.14 (3 Drips) | 279.57 (5 Drips) |
Totals | 1143.76 | 1150.03 |
15 stocks/units Dripped in September.
Great to see things growing yr over yr after all those sales. I love seeing more usd paying companies and the general increase each position has gotten.
If your interested check out our Previous Dividend Income Reports.
Our Drips (Dividend Reinvestment Program) added $38.07 bucks to our forward income…. sweet!
Other Income
Private Investment Payment – $1000.00
1k a month, very nice!
Solar Panel Income
In August (We always get paid a month later) our solar panel system generated 873 kWh. Since we bring in a fixed rate of 28.8 cents per kilowatt hour, Hydro One deposited $251.47 into our chequing account this month.
Last August the system generated $271.05, so once again we come in lower.. arg!
Total Income for 2023 – $1,725.65
System Installed January 2018
Total System Cost ——–$32,396.46
Total Income Received ——–$13,897.94
Amount to Break even —- $ —18,498.52
Beginning of October and the sun is shining! Here’s hoping this month brings a higher income than last year.
Total September 2023 Passive Income – $2,401.50
September 2022 Passive Income – $2,414.81
Ahhh so close to seeing year over year growth again. Soon enough!
Totals For 2023
Dividends Year To Date Total – $6,881.8
Other Passive Income Year to date – $11,489.49
Total Passive Income for 2023 —– $18,371.29
Year End Goal – $26,000 (70.65%)
A nice jump in progress, gotta love these months! Let’s go =)
September Stock Purchases/Sales
Since this month was a 5 week pay period we ended up making 3 different purchases. Two to existing positions and we started a new one as well.
Telus – We sold this position in the fall of last yr due to rising interest rates and planned to rebuild this position when it was cheaper. Well it definitely is now. We added 42 shares at a cost basis of $23.96. (even cheaper now) This buy adds $61.08 in forward income.
National Bank – We started rebuilding this position as well this month. 12 shares at $94.54 per share. This adds $48.96 to our forward dividends.
Lockheed Martin – With a war still going on and a massive backlog of orders. I thought this was a good one to grow our position in. It has done very well for us since we started our original position. We added 3 shares at a cost basis of $413 per share. This adds $36 in forward dividends.
All in all we added $146.04 in future yearly dividend income with these purchases. Yield and decent dividend growth.
Total added forward dividend income from purchases in 2023 – $994.17
Bitcoin kinda went sideways in August but we continue to add 20 bucks a week to our position.
We decided to go with shakepay because it is regulated in Canada and you shake the phone daily to get some free sats (bitcoin). They recently changed the way shaking sats is done. You get a certain amount per day now
A 100 dollar deposit gets you 10 bucks and 10 for the referrer. Feel free to use my affiliate here if your interested in trying out the crypto space. Or if your a fan of the site and wanna toss me some btc my Shaketag is @hutz8
I appreciate the support.
Financial Goals Update
Etf Monthly Minimum Purchase of $250
- This month we added 0 more units of xaw etf.
- Questrade* is great because it offers free etf trades and cheaper stock trading options than most Canadian brokers. $250.00 a month would kill us if we needed to pay high trading fees.
- * Note the questrade link is a affiliate link and at no additional cost to you, I would get a little payment if you were to sign up. You could get $50 in free trades by using my affiliate link though.
We didn’t add this month as I felt like our purchases offered a better opportunity at the moment.
September 2023 Passive Income Conclusion
For some reason my body is dieing to wake up early these days. Maybe I’m fired up to write some posts.. Its been huge for productivity, I highly recommend it. Overall the month was very good on the financial front. I’m happy to see it all on paper and seeing things grow. I hope you all had a great month as well!
It is your limiting belief that has you where you are right now – Eric Thomas

Hey I’m Rob, creator of Passive Canadian Income.
In 2011 me and my wife had almost $60,000 in debt and a negative $7,000 Net Worth. Through hard work and financial education we paid all that off. Now we are focusing on increasing our Passive Income Streams to make the money work for us. Feel Free to Follow along the Journey by clicking the Social Media links below or subscribing to get notified of new posts on the sidebar.