
REITs Explained: What Is a Real Estate Investment Trust?


SUMMARY: A REIT enables individuals to invest in real estate without owning property, obligating them to pay most of their income as dividends. There are different types of REITs to choose from, each presenting unique benefits and potential risks, such as interest sensitivity and varied capital growth rates.

Looking to include real estate in your investment portfolio without the hassle of buying property?

Discover the power of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), a simpler path to real estate investment.

  • The fundamental structure and legal requirements for REITs
  • Various types of REITs and how they generate income
  • Key benefits REIT investments can offer
  • Essential considerations and potential drawbacks

Continue reading to gain a clear understanding of REITs and how they can fortify your investments.

Understanding the Structure of REITs

What qualifies an investment company to be considered a REIT?

The Internal Revenue Code sets forth stringent requirements.

All REITs must distribute at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders annually.

This distribution is typically in the form of dividends.

Moreover, to qualify as a REIT, a company must invest at least 75% of its total assets in real estate.

Liquidity is also ensured through holdings in cash or U.S. Treasuries.

For governance, REITs need to be structured as taxable corporations, complete with a board of directors or trustees.

Transparency and a breadth of ownership are ensured as they must have a minimum of 100 shareholders after their first year.

Furthermore, to prevent dominant influence by a handful of stakeholders, no more than 50% of a REIT’s shares can be held by five or fewer individuals.

This structure is critical for maintaining REIT status and the benefits that come with it.

Before investing, it’s important to verify a REIT’s adherence to these regulations for legal and financial security.

An overlooked requirement could lead to a less favorable outcome for your investment.

Statistics show that the adherence to the 90% dividend payout rule remains high among REITs, showcasing their commitment to providing value to investors.

Understanding these foundational elements is essential for any potential REIT investor.

Types of REITs and Their Income Sources

Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) can be approached from various angles, each aligning with distinct investor goals.

REITs fall into three primary categories: Mortgage REITs, Equity REITs, and Hybrid REITs.

As their names imply, Mortgage REITs generate income primarily from the interest accrued on financing real estate transactions.

On the other hand, Equity REITs reap income through the rent they collect on the properties they own and manage.

A blend of both methods typifies Hybrid REITs, diversifying their income streams.

Within these categories, REITs can also be segmented by their accessibility in the market.

Publicly Traded REITs are listed on national stock exchanges and offer investors the benefits of liquidity and transparency in valuation.

Publicly Non-Listed REITs, while registered with the SEC, do not trade on stock exchanges, resulting in less liquidity but also potentially less volatility.

Then there are Private REITs, which are not traded on any exchange and are generally thought of as less liquid and more opaque, making them a more exclusive option for investing.

Action Tip: Align your investment goals with the characteristics of various REIT types.

For instance, if liquidity is a priority for you, a Publicly Traded REIT might be the most suitable fit.

Conversely, if you are prepared for a longer-term commitment and potentially higher yield, a Publicly Non-Listed or Private REIT could be worth considering.

Common Mistake: Investors often chase the notion of quick returns.

However, caution is advised, especially when considering REITs, as they are typically designed for steady, long-term income.

Resist the temptation to expect rapid gains and allow your REIT investment the time to mature.

Reflective of the balanced nature of this investment vehicle, a stat shows that as REITs have evolved, investors have favored Publicly Traded and Equity REITs for their regular income and relative ease of access, with a substantial majority of these trusts adhering to the stability offered by mostly tangible property investments as opposed to the more volatile mortgage-based securities.

The Benefits of Investing in REITs

Investing in Real Estate Investment Trusts, or REITs, comes with a slate of advantages that makes it a favorite among investors seeking both stability and passive income.

One prominent benefit is the opportunity to own property indirectly without the hassles of direct management.

This passive nature of REIT investment is appealing as it lowers the barrier to entering the real estate market.

REITs are legally bound to distribute a minimum of 90% of their taxable income to shareholders annually.

This requirement ensures that investors enjoy regular dividends, providing a source of steady income which can be especially attractive during times of market volatility.

Action Tip: To optimize the financial landscape of your investment portfolio, consider incorporating REITs.

Their inclusion can offer balance and diversification, as the real estate market often moves differently compared to stocks and bonds.

Common Mistake: It’s important to recognize that not all REITs guarantee high liquidity.

While publicly traded REITs offer ease of buying and selling on the stock market, private and non-listed public REITs may not provide the same level of liquidity and might require longer investment horizons.

Statistics reflect the solid performance of REITs in terms of income generation, with many showing competitive dividend yields when compared to other high-yield investments.

However, it’s essential to conduct comprehensive research or consult with a financial advisor to properly align your investment choices with your financial objectives.

Considerations and Potential Drawbacks

While REITs offer several benefits, there are important considerations and potential drawbacks that investors should be aware of.

One significant point is the aspect of slower capital appreciation.

Since most of the earnings are paid out as dividends, there’s often less reinvestment in the property to enhance its value over time.

Thus, REITs may not always match the capital growth rates of other investment types.

Another critical consideration is the sensitivity of REITs to interest rate changes.

As interest rates rise, the cost of borrowing for REITs increases, which can affect their profit margins and, by extension, dividend payouts.

Additionally, higher interest rates can make bonds and other fixed-income investments more attractive relative to REIT dividends, potentially leading to a decrease in REIT share prices.

Investors should understand these factors and how they align with their long-term financial goals.

Examining a REIT’s past performance during different economic cycles can provide valuable insights into how it might perform in the future.

Making informed decisions is key to successful real estate investing, even through REITs.


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In summary, REITs are an indispensable element in the creation of a diversified investment portfolio.

They offer the benefit of income through mandatory distributions and enable investors to gain exposure to real estate without the need to directly own or manage properties.

That said, it is essential to approach REIT investing with an understanding of its structure, the various types available, and their benefits and drawbacks.

Interested investors are advised to do further research and consider seeking advice from financial professionals to ensure that REITs align with their investment strategies and goals.

With careful consideration and strategic planning, REITs can be an effective vehicle for realizing your real estate investment objectives.

FAQ Section

What is the minimum investment amount for REITs?
The minimum investment will depend on the type of REIT.

Publicly traded REITs can be purchased for the price of one share, while non-traded or private REITs may have higher minimum investments.

How can I buy shares in a REIT?
Shares of publicly traded REITs can be purchased through brokerage accounts just like other stocks.

For non-traded and private REITs, transactions are usually done directly through the REIT or via financial planners or advisors.

What are the risks involved with REIT investing?
Key risks include sensitivity to economic cycles, interest rate changes, the REIT’s management quality, and certain sector-specific risks if the REIT is specialized in a particular type of real estate.


In wrapping up, this article has provided a comprehensive look into the world of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), equipping you with the knowledge to navigate this investment avenue.

  • REITs offer an appealing entry point into real estate investment, mandating 90% of taxable income to be returned to investors as dividends.
  • Understanding the legal structure of REITs, including the requirement of a minimum of 100 shareholders, is crucial for compliance and maximizing your investment potential.
  • The diversity of REIT types, from Mortgage to Equity to Hybrid, allows investors to align their choices with their financial goals, acknowledging that REITs are typically aimed at generating long-term, steady income.
  • While REITs present benefits like passive ownership and diversification, they’re not without their disadvantages, such as being prone to interest rate fluctuations and having generally slower capital appreciation.
  • Before adding REITs to your portfolio, consider all aspects and seek the advice of a financial professional to make an informed decision based on your individual needs.

As the landscape of investment continually evolves, REITs remain a significant component, offering accessibility and a share in the income-generating power of real estate assets.

Remember, informed investing is wise investing—take what you’ve learned today to build a more resilient and diversified portfolio.

REIT Investing FAQs

What exactly is a REIT?

A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a company that owns, operates or finances income-generating real estate.

Modeled after mutual funds, REITs pool the capital of numerous investors to make real estate investments accessible for individuals.

REITs are required to pay out at least 90% of their taxable income to shareholders in the form of dividends.

How do REITs generate income for investors?

REITs typically generate income through rental payments, interest on mortgage lending, or a combination of both, depending on their type.

Equity REITs make money primarily from leasing space and collecting rents on the properties they own, while Mortgage REITs earn income from the interest on their financing of real estate.

A Hybrid REIT does both to some extent, providing a blend of income sources.

Can investing in REITs lead to capital appreciation?

While REITs are more well-known for providing dividend income to investors, there is also potential for capital appreciation.

However, the primary focus for most REITs is income generation rather than capital growth, and changes in property values and market conditions can affect the potential for appreciation.

What are the risks involved in REIT investments?

Investing in REITs carries risks such as market volatility, economic downturns affecting real estate values, and changes in interest rates that can influence REIT share prices and performance.

However, like all investments, these risks can be mitigated through thorough research and diversification.


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How can I buy shares of a REIT?

Shares of publicly traded REITs can be bought and sold on major stock exchanges just like any other public stock through a brokerage bank.

Public Non-Listed REITs and Private REITs might have different purchasing processes, often involving direct investments or private placements, and typically require investors to meet certain income or net worth criteria.

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