
Questions &. Answers – March 2024


It has been a while since I last shared a Questions & Answers post, so today, I wanted to share some of the frequently asked questions I receive. It’s nice to have them all compiled in one post for easy reference when needed.

Questions & Answers – March 2024

1. You wear several silver and gold bracelets all the time. Where did you purchase them?

My bracelets are from Daily Gold. I have some that I don’t wear every day, but I have these:

Statement Kay
Lily cuff
Statement Ashlee

2. How many days do you work out? 

I strength train three days a week at a gym. I’m a VIP member with Faster Way to Fat Loss, so I use their workouts, too. If the weather permits, I get outside and walk. My Oura Ring keeps track of my steps, and I try to get 12,000 steps or more every day. My goal is to move my body as much as possible every day!

3. Do you still intermittent fast, and what do you eat on a typical day?

Yes! I’m a huge believer in intermittent fasting. I also think fasting for more extended periods can be beneficial. I love this book about how fasting affects our bodies.

On a good day, I eat a lot of protein, so I’m always looking for protein-rich food. I love Greek yogurt, blueberries, hemp seeds, tuna, bone broth, avocados, nuts, and eggs. For dinner, we typically eat meat with a vegetable. I keep it simple!

4. You mentioned on Instagram that you are using hormone replacement. What are you taking, and can you tell a difference? 

I went through menopause in my middle to late forties, which is on the earlier side. At that time, I decided not to use hormone replacement therapy.

In the last few years, there has been a lot of research on the importance of HRT during perimenopause and menopause. Dr. Mary Claire is one of the doctors who is sharing a lot of information.

Last year, I was having a lot of brain fog, and I also felt a lack of energy. I was exercising, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep, but I still had these symptoms.

Several friends mentioned a nurse practitioner helping women with their hormone levels in my area. She uses bioidentical hormones, and I decided to meet with her and see if she could help. We did blood work and came up with a treatment plan for me.

There are different ways to take hormones, and she gave me several options. I went with pellet therapy (estrogen and testosterone), and I take a progesterone pill ( I have to take that because I still have my uterus.)

I have noticed a huge change in how I feel, and it has started to help with my brain fog. I’m early in the therapy, and I think it will get better the longer I take it.

If you have any questions about what I’m doing, I’m happy to answer them. We each have to make our own decisions, and I don’t think it’s always easy. Just FYI, I’m not a doctor or an expert, and I highly recommend following Dr. Mary Claire.

5. Have you found any good creams for crepe skin?

I have not found anything that works miracles. Our skin definitely changes as we age. I work my arms hard with weights, and I still have some crepe skin on my arms. If anyone has found a miracle product, please let us know!

6. What brand of multivitamins do you take?

I take several supplements every day. I take AG1 Greens, which includes a multivitamin, and I add a scoop of Thorne creatine to the AG1 and some Re-lyte to help the taste. I also take vitamin B12, vitamin D+K, Magnesium, Tumeric, and Omega 3.

7. What’s your favorite foundation? 

I love the Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation. I’ve used it for several years, and I love the medium lightweight buildable coverage.

8. Why did you decide to move?

Good question! We loved our last house and could have stayed there. Throughout our marriage, Wayne has said he would love to have a pond on our property. He grew up on a farm with a pond (we own his parent’s farm where he grew up, which is about an hour from where we live).

About a year before we moved, I started looking for homes with a pond. I didn’t tell Wayne I was looking, and I didn’t think I would ever find one. Early in 2023 a home come through my inbox that had a pond.

I told Wayne, and we decided to look at it and rest is history! We have 5 acres and we have a stocked pond. We have already created so many sweet memories here, and I’m so thankful to be settled and enjoying our new home.

Beauty For the Heart®Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. Jude 1:3

Truth: Sometimes, I will hear a word in Scripture, dig a little deeper, and see how it’s used and what it means. I recently heard someone talking about “contend.” It’s a word that means to fight (not physically fight but knowing what you believe and sharing it) or stand firm in what you believe.

To contend for our faith in Scripture, we have to know God’s word, and we have to defend it. We cannot live victoriously if our faith remains halfhearted. Scripture tells us to stand firm (Ephesians 6:11). When we stand firm and grounded in the gospel, we don’t have to fear the future; God is with us.

Let your beauty shine from the inside out today!

This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are my own. For more information on what it means, see my about page: blog compensation and disclosure.


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