
Proven Techniques to Increase your Financial IQ.


What is Financial Intelligence/IQ? 

I will begin by disclosing to you a story/Example. There were two land financial specialists who contribute a similar measure of cash each month however the primary speculator wins less and makes good on more charges and the subsequent speculator gain more and makes good on less expenses.

What do you think who has increasingly money related Intelligence/IQ? (Remark beneath)

I just portray Financial Intelligence/IQ as an attitude and aptitude to get more cash-flow, ensure cash, spending cash and influence cash by taking care of budgetary issues.

Money related IQ essentially measure how a lot of a man wins and how a lot of a man make good on charge and other cost.

Cash travels every which way, however in the event that you have the training about how cash functions, you gain the control over it and can being building riches. – Robert Kiyoaski

Why money related Intelligence/IQ is significant?

It isn’t that Financial Intelligence/IQ is the most significant among all insight however it is one of the most significant knowledge which is a requirement for the present world fr better life.

Government, Banks, Moneylender, and association need to take your cash from your pocket from various methods like assessments, enthusiasm, selling items and administrations that you needn’t bother with.

(I’m not aginst making good on charges however I’m against paying over duties to the legislature.)

Numerous individuals profit with their good thoughts yet they neglect to ensure them, they neglect to spending them and to wrap things up they neglect to use them. on the off chance that you need to be rich you need to ensure your cash and let the cash work for you.

It isn’t how a lot of cash you gain, it is how a lot of cash you can keep and how hard you make your cash work for you.

Increment your Financial Intelligence/IQ

Perusing and Listening are the most prevalent yet not successful strategies for learning and Doing it is the best. It isn’t that you ought not read Business Books you simply need to apply the techniques, all things considered.

Make a move and learning is the way to build your Financial IQ. There are five Financial IQ of Robert Kiyosaki which you need to make a move in it and finding out about them persistently.

Financial IQ 1:- Making more money 

Making money is the first step/challenge. it is hard for some people and it not hard for some but for me, it was hard starting without money. It is up to you to figure out how you can make more money.

It is not like that I can’t share to make money. I didn’t share because while solving problems will make you an intelligence. 

Knowledge in the process show you have to figure your answer by yourself and increase your financial IQ No.1 Making more money.

Financial IQ 2:- Protect the money

Many people became millionaires with their crazy ideas but they became broke after a few years because they don’t protect their money. Everybody wants to take your money from your pocket.

If they are smarter then you or have more power than you, they will get your money, This why financial IQ No.2 is important.

So, It is your job to protect it.

Financial IQ 3:- Budgeting your money

A Goal without a plan just wishes. So, you need a budget because a budget is a plan for Entrepreneurs.

A Budget is simply described as a plan for the coordination of resources and expenditures. But people are using the Budget to became poor rather than, to become rich. By living below their means they try to create a surplus budget rather than making more money and creating a surplus budget.

In this situation, it comes Financial IQ No.1- Making more money.

Financial IQ 4:-Leveraging your money.

 Warren Buffet said, ” If you can’t make money will sleeping then, you will work until you die.” To be rich for the generation you have to make money work for you. 

Buy Assets that put money in your pocket not that Assets that take money from your pocket. 

You should learn how to earn a passive income.

Financial IQ 5:- Improving your Financial Information

Information is very important and It is more important to know which is information is useful and used it properly to make more money, to protect money, to budget money and to leverage money.

In the information age, Information can make you rich which Mark Zurkerird is an example of it. 

In Conclusion,

learning is a never-ending process and you will get lots of new information and things to learn the process. Until you Finacial Iq you can easily make money again and again.

So, the more you learn, the more you earn.


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