No Weight Bearing Morning Yoga Practice
If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort in your wrists, or just want to give them a break, you can still get your morning yoga practice in.
This 15 minute flow has no downward dogs, planks, table tops etc. that are done on the hands.
You also don’t need any props for this all levels flow.
1. Spinal Twist – Begin sitting cross legged, with the right shin in front of the left. Roll the shoulders down. Lengthen through the crown. Bring the left hand to the right knee. And right fingers behind you. Rotating chest to the right. Then repeat to the other side.
2. Head to Knee Fold – Straighten and extend the left leg out, with the right foot inside the thigh. Rotate the chest towards the left knee. Keep the leg engaged. Maintain a flat back. Extending and folding toward the left leg. Then round into the back, bend knee as needed in a passive fold. Repeat to the other side.
3. Half Sun Salutations – Come to stand at the top of the mat. Inhale hands up. Exhale fold all the way down. Inhale, half lift with a flat back. Exhale fold down. Reverse back up on inhale. Bringing hands to the heart.
4. High Lunge – Step the left foot back. Bending generously into the back knee. Tucking the tailbone. To intensify, open the arms up into cactus shape and add a gentle back bend.
5. Pyramid Pose – Step the back foot in a bit, so that you can ground the left heel down. Spinning the back heel in and toes out at 45 degrees. Inhale to lift and lengthen. Exhale to hinge and fold parallel to the ground. Then rounding down as needed. Hold for a couple breaths. Push into the feet to lift up.
Repeat 4 and 5 through on the other side.
6. Warrior 2 – Standing at the top of the mat again, step the left foot back. Spinning the back heel down, foot parallel to the short edge of the mat. Bend deep into the right knee, pushing it open. Squeeze the shoulder bladed behind you, with palms up and elbows in. Keep this squeeze through the shoulder blades as you straighten the arms, then turn the palms to face down. Reverse the left hand down and right hand up.
7. Wide Legged Forward Fold – Straighten the right leg. Turn the toes in so both feet are parallel to the short edges of the mat. Hands on the hips. Inhale to lift up, exhale to fold down. Placing the hands wherever you wish. Let go of the tension in the neck and head heavy.
After lifting up, turn the left toes to the back of the mat and repeat Warrior on the other leg.
These poses come from a 15 minute morning yoga class on my channels.