
Midlife Bloggers and Influencers To Follow Now – Beth Ferguson


In the spirit of Galentine’s Day, I thought I would put together a list of some of my favorite midlife bloggers and influencers. The last few years I have been lucky enough to connect with some really interesting and fun women from all over.

Blogging has opened up two new communities of women to me in the last few years. One is other midlife bloggers and influencers. The other is my email subscribers. I hold both of these communities near and dear to my heart. So thank you. I am so glad that you take the time to read my posts, make comments, and send me emails.

Before I share more about my blogger/influencer friends here are a few other posts I have written that you might want to check out. These are representative of the areas that I blog about and are my popular posts in each of the categories.

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Introducing Midlife Bloggers And Influencers That I Recommend Following

Each of the ladies that I am going to introduce you to has something unique of about them and their platforms. Some of them have blogs like I do, one has a website and podcast, and another focuses mainly on Instagram. Each of these ladies are individuals that I not only follow but also communicate with outside of social media. Some more than others.

What I will tell you is that each of them is a beautiful woman on the inside and out and I am glad that I have gotten to know each of them.

Midlife Ladies Over 50 To Follow

Empty Nest Blessed – Suzy Mighell

Suzy Mighell is the queen of the Empty Nest. Her mission is to inspire and encourage women who now live in an empty nest. So if you are about to become an empty nester or have been one for a while her blog is a great resource for you. She talks a lot about relationships with your adult kids.

Suzy is married to her college sweetheart, has 3 adult children, and is a new grandmother. She lives in Dallas, Texas.

JTouchofStyle – Jodie Filigomo

Jody Filigomo, JTouchOfStyle, midlife blogger and fashionistaJody Filigomo, JTouchOfStyle, midlife blogger and fashionista

Jodie is a lady who spreads the word that we are the boss of our own clothes. She loves to talk about using the things that you have in your closet in different and unique ways. She also shares some of the best clothes “hacks” and easy how-tos if something isn’t fitting the way that you need it to. Thrifting is a favorite hobby and she shares the method to her madness as to how she finds great things.

On her blog, she features herself, a long-time friend Lesley, and her mother Charlotte. Each of them is from a different decade and they have different body types.

Jodie is a retired cosmetic dentist and lives in Sun City, Arizona with her husband Rob, their dog Piper, and their cat.

MoreThanTurquoise – Jamie Lewinger

Jamie is the queen of accessories in my book. She is always sporting the most fabulous accessories. From vintage to designer, to current on-trend. She shares them all. She does a great job of mixing high and low fashion pieces with amazing vintage pieces.

Jamie has had her blog longer than anyone I know. Over 15 years, I believe. She was one of the first influencers that Chico’s ever used. The lady has lots of stories to tell. One of my favorite things about her is that in so many of her Instagram posts she makes fun of herself.

Jamie lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her husband John, and their two dogs. John is her photographer and they go out very early in the morning to capture some of the most amazing sunrises in the southwest.

Nancy Leeds Gribble

This lady is one of the most motivating women I have come across in ages. She walks the walks so to speak. Yes, all of the healthy lifestyle things that she encourages other women to do to be their best selves she does for herself. Her mission is to encourage women to thrive fearlessly in conquering their goals to live a healthy and joyful life in midlife and beyond

Not only is she a certified personal trainer, but she is also a culinary nutrition expert. She is vegan, but you don’t have to be or want to be vegan to work with her. Her gig is to get you to eat more fruits and vegetables and she will show you creative ways to do that. You can check out the various ways that you can work with Nancy on her website. She offers group and individual coaching.

Nancy lives in Houston, Texas with her husband and son.

Thanks, Let’s Keep In Touch

Thanks so much for reading this post. I hope that I introduced you to some new midlife bloggers to follow. Each of them has a unique voice and message that I hope you will enjoy.

You can also find me on Instagram and Pinterest. I would love for you to follow me there. I also have a newsletter that I send out every Wednesday and Sunday morning. In them, I share things that I don’t share on other platforms. I hope you will sign up by clicking here.


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