
July 2023 Passive Income — Passive Canadian Income


  • 3 sources of passive Income
  • $879.81 from dividends
  • 30 stocks/units dripped in June
  • Trailing 12 Month Portfolio Return +3.20%

    S&P 500 12 Month Total Return +13.02% for July 2023

    S&P/TSX Composite Index 12 Month +1.86% August 22nd 2023

Our portfolio has under performed the market once again this month year over year but beat out the tsx.. These interest rate sensitive stocks have taken a beating recently. Its tempting to add to them more at the moment. =)

Unfortunately the world is full of negative stuff at the moment. Its actually pretty crazy to see… Covids coming back and govts are starting to push more regulations.. It should be another fun winter.. It seems there is more geopolitical tensions then ever at the moment. Crime seems to be literally going rampant and yet the laws don’t seem to care. People posting on social media to all meet up and rob some mall and yet no cops?

I dunno, but we are starting to see it in retail… They are literally saying soo much is getting stolen in earnings.. You wonder why governments are basically ignoring it. But hey I can go on and on about that.. The worlds changing, maybe everything will eventually be online retail or id to get into stores… I was reading an article about a store requiring you to get their app and scan the bar code before the doors even open…

digital id’s and central bank digital currencies?

In Canada we are starting to see inflation numbers tick up once again. Its kinda to be expected when they introduced yet another carbon tax.. Pierre Polivierre says we are paying 61 cents a litre in carbon tax alone. That’s insane…

Business for us continues to be really busy but it has changed. We aren’t really doing much work for average people this year. All big jobs for pretty wealthy people.  As you all probably know and see, the middle class and poor are the ones really feeling the pinch…



Life’s been good but almost seems too busy. We have been doing a bunch of camping, beach days and wonderland.

My friends have also been turning 40 this year so there tends to be some drinks and good times. Kids are wrapping up their rep soccer for the season and try outs have started for the fall. My daughter passed her swimming lessons and will move onto the next level soon enough.


Alright, Let’s Get To Our July 2023 Passive Income

Raises/ Cuts

Last month was a quiet month once again for dividend announcements.

Total Added Income from Dividend Raises in 2023 – Negative $-48.24

Still underwater from that 1 dividend cut this year… Soon enough we will be positive though.


August 2022 Passive IncomeAugust 2022 Passive Income

July 2023 Dividend Income

9 Companies paid us this month.

Stocks July 2022 Income July 2023 Income
Restaurant Brands 100.87 (1 Drip) sold
Rit Etf 67.56 (3 Drips) sold
Bank Of Nova Scotia 110.21 (1 Drip) sold
Smart Centers 35.61 (1 Drip) sold
Couche-Tard 16.50 26.74
Nutrien 29.69 42.10
Aecon 113.04 (8 Drips) 120.25 (9 Drips)
Cisco 52.82 (1 Drip) 55.77 (1 Drip)
Telus 135.10 (4 Drips) 30.18 (1 Drip)
Algonquin Power 196.23 (11 Drips) 125.88 (12 Drips)
TD Bank 170.88 (2 drips) 120 (1 Drip)
Tc Energy 155.70 (2 Drips) 169.26 (3 Drips)
Bell Canada 151.80 (2 Drips) 189.63 (3 Drips)
Totals 1336.01 879.81

30 stocks/units Dripped in July.

Lots of drips but the income has dropped quite a bit. That’s understandable though as we sold off lots of stocks to pay off our heloc last fall.

If your interested check out our Previous Dividend Income Reports.

Our Drips (Dividend Reinvestment Program) added $41.49 bucks to our forward income. Nice!

July 2023 DividendsJuly 2023 Dividends

Other Income

Private Investment Payment – $1000.00

1k a month, very nice!

Solar Panel Income

In June (We always get paid a month later) our solar panel system generated 1,144 kWh. Since we bring in a fixed rate of 28.8 cents per kilowatt hour, Hydro One deposited $329.65 into our chequing account this month.

Last June the system generated $386.83, so this month has brought less sun.. Kinda expected as we have gotten more rain this season then anytime I have ever remembered.

Total Income for 2023 – $1,193.87

System Installed January 2018

Total System Cost ——–$32,396.46

Total Income Received ——–$13,366.16


Amount to Break even —- $ —19,030.30

Bring on the sun!



Total July 2023 Passive Income – $2,209.46

June 2022 Passive Income – $2,7,22.84

Down as well but over 2.2k is still very sweet!

July 2023 Passive IncomeJuly 2023 Passive Income

Totals For 2023

Dividends Year To Date Total – $5,428.96
Other Passive Income Year to date – $8,957.71
Total Passive Income for 2023 —– $14,386.67
Year End Goal – $26,000 (55.33%)

7 months in and we continue to be behind the goal. Set em to high and miss is better than to low and hitting I guess.. 5 months left though!



July Stock Purchases/Sales

This month we made 2 purchases and 2 sales.


We sold off our Stanley Black and Decker position for an 11% profit. I just didn’t find myself wanting to add to this position anymore and the stock took off a bit so we sold out.. We sold 27 shares at 98.91 per share losing $87.48 in forward income.

We trimmed down our Microsoft Position… I know crazy! you never sell microsoft…. I hear ya all but at a 39 p/e ratio I thought it would be a good idea to just take some profits. The ai hype drove this position to 8.4% of our portfolio and I wanted to lower our exposure and add to another us position. We sold 8 shares at $362.49 per share losing 21.76 in forward income. Microsoft is still in our top 3 holdings


With the usd funds we had from the sales I decided to pump up our Home Depot position. Love the company and its dividend growth. Also if you know me, I love halloween in particular halloween animatronics. This year hd came out swinging and out of all the main retail stores, I think its safe to say hd has the best ones out there. Such a small factor to their business, I know but you gotta own the companies you like!

We bought 19 additional shares for $316.48 per share adding $158.84 in forward income.

Telus – We continued to build back our position in Telus. We bought 87 shares at 23.80 per share. This purchase adds $126.53 in forward income


All in all we added $176.13 in future yearly dividend income with these purchases. And eliminated a holding in our portfolio.

Total added forward dividend income from purchases in 2023 – $797.25


Bitcoin pulled back a bit the last month but we continue to add 20 bucks a week to our position.


We decided to go with shakepay because it is regulated in Canada and you shake the phone daily to get some free sats (bitcoin). They recently changed the way shaking sats is done. You get a certain amount per day now

A 100 dollar deposit gets you 10 bucks and 10 for the referrer. Feel free to use my affiliate here if your interested in trying out the crypto space. Or if your a fan of the site and wanna toss me some btc my Shaketag is @hutz8

I appreciate the support.

Financial Goals Update


Etf Monthly Minimum Purchase of $250

  • This month we added 0 more units of xaw etf.
  • Questrade* is great because it offers free etf trades and cheaper stock trading options than most Canadian brokers. $250.00 a month would kill us if we needed to pay high trading fees.
  • * Note the questrade link is a affiliate link and at no additional cost to you, I would get a little payment if you were to sign up. You could get $50 in free trades by using my affiliate link though.

We didn’t add this month as I felt like our purchases offered a better opportunity at the moment.

July 2023 Passive Income Conclusion

Overall a great month and a fun summer with the family. Time is flying by as we quickly approach September already. Just crazy!


All of our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney


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