How to Glow Up: 10 Easy Ways
Achievable glow up ideas are hard to come by as the internet is overloaded with ideas that nobody really wants to try. Consider this your sign stop searching around and start scrolling this post! I have compiled the easiest ideas for how to glow up in 2024! These ideas are realistic, uncomplicated, and easy to incorporate into your everyday routine.
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What is a Glow Up
A glow up is a form of self care that results in a better you and an inward positive outcome. After implementing a glow up, you experience a positive change and feel better about yourself. A glow up is highly personal and the process can look different for everyone.
Sound intimidating? It isn’t at all! I mean, technically you could choose to glow up in some big extravagant way. But that’s not the glow up I’m talking about here. In this article, I’m sharing a few simple ideas that can be incorporated into your daily routine. With consistency and some time, you might just experience a little glow up that’ll leave you feeling better than before. If not, then try something else!
These 10 ideas are so simple. From drinking more water to joining a community. Try one or all of these ideas and soon enough you’ll be glowing! Not literally, but you know what I mean!
If you want an actual glow check out this post all about self tanning!
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10 Easy Ways to Glow Up
Let’s chat about a glow up for a second. Results do not happen over night.
So my pre-requisite for a glow up is to decide on timing of the whole thing. How long are you committing? Make a plan and stick to it. It could take 2-3 weeks or more to feel any kind of transformation. Think of an exercise or diet change, nobody ever gets results next day. Same is true with a glow up.
And regardless, a glow up doesn’t necessarily result in a physical change. The results will be felt internally so that might not be very noticeable day by day. But over time you should feel a positive change from within!
Now, let’s (finally) get to those 10 easy glow up ideas and talk about how to glow up in a realistic way.
1. Drink More Water
This surely is not the first time you’ve heard this one! The benefits of drinking water undeniable. Every self-help article and wellness book I’ve ever read advise on drinking more water. There are endless studies about it and you should read into it if your skeptical.
If you’re like me and already drink water throughout the day but want to increase intake, try this stainless tumbler with a straw!
When I got my first 9-5 desk job, I would drink water all day long. I had a small bottle without a straw and would refill a couple times per day. It soon became time to replace that bottle so I opted for a larger one with a straw. Thrilling story, right? Well, the little change of switching to a cup with a straw significantly increased my intake throughout the day. I was refilling the larger size 3-4 times throughout the day.
After I became annoyed with taking trips to refill the thing, I graduated to this massive stainless tumbler. I use it now and love it. My water stays cold for a long time and I drink at least 3 per day! That’s a lot of water.
For me, after increasing water intake, my skin is clearer and I feel better overall.
2. Move Your Body
Another tip that isn’t groundbreaking but is so easy to do! My tip, set a realistic goal. It could be as simple as doing 25 squats per day, going for a 10 minute walk outside, or doing a 15 minute beginners exercise video on YouTube. Whatever it is, figure out a realistic way to get your body moving.
As a busy mom, this is a tough one for me. Especially when most of my day is playing with a VERY active toddler. So I feel like that is exercise enough. But here’s a tip. Break up you exercise into micro sessions. Not ready for a full 15 minute workout? Break it up into three separate session of 5 minutes each.
Maybe you want to walk 30 minutes per day. Try 15 minutes in the AM and another 15 minutes in the PM.
Those 50 sit up feel like a lot at once! Try breaking it up into two or three sessions.
I heard someone refer to this as a “snacking” approach to exercise. Take little “snack breaks” and chip away at your movement goal in little chunks throughout the course of a day.
3. Think About What You Think about
Mental health is super important! I had a tax accounting professor in college, of all courses, give a lecture on finding happiness and purpose in life. He was truly inspirational, which I did not expect when signing up for a class on tax accounting! Anyway, I’m telling you this to show you that you may be in the trenches of tax season and this little tip can change your outlook on life, mental health, and attitude toward mundane everyday tasks.
Think about what you think about. If you want to know hot to glow up mentally, this is a good one!
Are your thoughts negative or just weighing you down? Change your thinking patterns.
Some therapists will call this “thought stopping” and it can be a powerful tool to turn around negativity you might feel inside.
This could be especially important considering today’s social media reliant society where comparison of others takes away our joy. You might not even realize that your constantly in comparison mode!
Before taking over this blog in 2021, I was completely removed from social media. My husband and I disabled our personal accounts in 2014 and have zero regrets about it! To this day, I do not have an active personal social media account. I cannot tell you how much time we got back into our lives and how freeing it is mentally to not have social media constantly looming in the back of my mind!
I could write an entire post about that!
From a blogging perspective, social media is important. However, I have to be mindful about how and when I use it and I am super intentional about it. If I find myself thinking of and comparing my account to others, I recognize that and then refocus my thoughts and attention elsewhere. This has proven very useful for me personally to maintain a positive mindset!
Moral of the story, recognize your feelings and thoughts and try to think of something more positive if you find yourself in a negative space.
4. Journal
Another easy way to glow up is to journal daily. Nothing groundbreaking here, but it is so easy to do.
Take a few minutes every day and write. It is that simple. There are countless journals you can grab to prompt your writing.
If you are new to journaling, a daily gratitude journal is a great way to start. I’ve shared this journal before and love it. It has daily prompts for both morning and night time and focuses on gratitude, affirmations, highlights from the day, learning moment, and opportunities for each day.
As you can see, the focus of that journal is creating a positive outlook and for the day and highlighting the good at the end of every day. This sort of goes along with idea #3 above and is a great tool to get your mindset right for every day.
Again, just a few quick minutes every day and before long you’ll be glowing inside!
5. Declutter Your Wardrobe
Struggle with anxiety the moment you step into your closet? This one is for you.
Listen, we all get dressed every day so you should enjoy it! It is so easy to let our clothing get out of control, trust me I have been there!
I used to hate getting dressed each morning. There I stand, staring at a closet full of clothes thinking I have nothing to wear.
Implementing a seasonal capsule wardrobe helped me feel so much better about my closet and the decision fatigue I would experience trying to decide what to wear every single day.
Whether you decide to implement a capsule wardrobe or simply organize your closet, these are great ways to make an improvement to your daily mood.
6. Diet Mindfulness
I am guilty of watching one too many documentaries on food, healthy eating, toxic ingredients, etc.
My husband and I tried a vegan diet. Not easy, let me tell you, and might not leave you with the brightest glow.
The key here is to learn what is good vs. bad for you and to be mindful of what you put into your body.
I believe you get out of your body what you put in. So if you are constantly consuming fast food, overpriced lattes, freezer meals and sweet treats odds are good your body will feel pretty sluggish.
From personal experience, when I consistently opt for home cooked meals and nourishing ingredients I feel 1000x better. My energy is up, my skin looks better, hair is stronger, and overall I feel better from within.
My tip, start small with little swaps in your daily diet!
7. Have Something to Look Forward to
You’ve heard the saying “enjoy the little things”, that goes along with this glow up idea.
Same college professor from #3 shared this (I told you he was inspirational) and it is so darn true.
When you have something to look forward to, whether a big vacation or a simple coffee date with a good friend, you feel GOOD!
This is a simple way to add positivity to your daily.
Let’s go back to the early pandemic days when we had no idea how long it would last, when we would see our friends next, or if we could take that much needed vacation any time soon. It felt a lot like gloom and doom and that seriously impacts your glow!
Having something on the calendar that you truly look forward to is an instant mood boost. It does not have to be big just something you enjoy doing. Such an easy way to glow up!
8. Consistent Skincare Routine
I’m here for this! I’ve had a regular skincare routine for several years now and cannot recommend this enough.
For me, this could technically be something to look forward to (#7 above) because I thoroughly enjoy my daily routine. It’s about 10 minutes to myself each day after working and caring for my family (which I would not trade for the world) and is a must have for me personally.
My tip here is to start small and be consistent. There are endless options for routines to follow. A simple cleanse and moisturize is all you really need though! After that your skin will feel refreshed and glowing.
Remember, consistency is important if you’re looking for lasting results with a skincare routine.
If you want your skin to actually glow, try this maracuja oil!
9. Get Some Sleep!
This might be obvious but the simplest way to glow up is to get some sleep! Much like diet and exercise, sleep comes highly recommend by nearly every doctor out there. Who doesn’t feel a little extra “glow” after a great night of sleep.
10. Time for Yourself
You can’t pour from an empty cup!
I started writing “if you are a mom, caretaker, nurse…” but really this one applies to everybody! We all need a little bit of time to ourselves especially in times of feeling burnt out.
As a busy mom to a toddler and 6 month old, I get that finding time for ourselves can be hard! But it is so good for your soul.
An easy way to do this is to carve out 5 minutes every morning and night for you! During those 5 minutes, do something for yourself. Definitely try and increase this time as you can or pick a day every month or so that you devote to yourself, even if it’s just an hour or two!
Here’s some simple things you can do in your down time
- Read a book
- Go for a walk
- Go to the gym
- Meet up with a friend
- Go shopping
- Find a new recipe
- Scroll on your phone
- Print some pictures
- A quick workout
- Try any of the ideas above!
- Watch a documentary/movie/show
- Rest
- Garden
RECAP: How to Glow Up: 10 Easy Ideas
- Drink more water
- Move your body
- Think about what to think about
- Journal daily
- Declutter your wardrobe
- Diet Mindfulness
- Have something to look forward to
- Consistent skincare routine
- Get more sleep
- Take time for yourself
As always, I appreciate you stopping by today. Thank you!
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The post How to Glow Up: 10 Easy Ways appeared first on Penny Pincher Fashion.