
Gent-Wevelgem Women: Lorena Wiebes beats Elisa Balsamo in sprint photo finish


Lorena Wiebes (SD Worx-Protime) won Gent-Wevelgem Women in a photo finish, outsprinting Elisa Balsamo (Lidl-Trek) with a perfectly-timed bike throw after the final attacker, Grace Brown (FDJ-Suez), was brought back on the final kilometre. Chiara Consonni (UAE Team ADQ) took third place.

When world champion Lotte Kopecky (SD Worx-Protime) attacked on the final ascent of the Kemmelberg, only Wiebes and Pfeiffer Georgi (DSM-Firmenich PostNL) could stay with her, but the three riders did not push their advantage, and the chasing peloton came back with s26km to go.


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