A morning walk with Knox. He is also waking up at 4 am each morning. I think our bodies are just telling us that we should have stayed in Spain.
It was a pretty typical day for us:
We tried the Salmon Pinwheels with Spinach and Mediterranean Style Herb, Feta Cheese Wrapped in Salmon from TJ’s… it won for a quick dinner that Andrew grilled up on the bbq.
And we finished up the day outside.
Favorites time:
*Here’s what I packed, wore, and loved for our trip!

Shoes that I wore every day (the comfort was unmatched… perfect walking shoe that matches everything)
Long sleeve grey shirt (so soft you want to live in it)
Black and white t-shirts (skims dupe for cheap that are so so good, I also have it in grey and could live in these)
Bombas socks (for walking and running)
Gap jeans (with seam down the front)
Target t-shirt (lightest t-shirt on the planet)
Michael Kors bag (just a tiny bit different… $98, normally $398)
Watch (my review here)… it is officially my favorite watch I’ve ever had.
Our luggage set that we love!
*Andrew won with this purchase. We don’t really need a stroller at home anymore, but we needed one for this trip. Andrew found this one, and I’m glad he knew we would need one that folded up small for the planes, trains, busses, and taxis. The stroller was perfect for getting Beck around and the ideal size with a base to fit a bag and a shade on top, but then it compacted to fit wherever we were going.

*A few of you told me to try these from TJ’s, and we will all love you forever because of this recommendation.
These things puffed up so big overnight and tasted almost as good as the ones we ate daily last week. Next time, I will try an egg wash on them to give them a bit glossier on top. We are big fans of these.
*I used this sauce from Costco for our enchiladas, and now I want to pour it on everything I eat. It’s spicy, and now that I’m looking at the picture below, I realize we ate it past its expiration date, so that’s another bonus… it still tastes fantastic 😉
*Love is Blind. It makes me feel so uncomfortable, but I can’t stop watching.
Tell me about any fun plans you have this weekend!
Who else is watching Love is Blind? Thoughts? Does it hurt you as much as it hurts me to watch?
Pay attention to expiration dates or not so much?
Thoughts and feelings on fish… love it or pass?