
Fluid Hip Movements for the Water Element


Getting deep into the hips, and unconsciously letting your body go with the flow is a great way to increase flexibility.

These poses will tap into the water element, as well as the sacral chakra, to connect with creativity and deep feeling.

No props required and great for all levels.

  1. Fluid Table Top – Start on hands and knees. Start tracing circles with the hips. Making them as big or small as intuitively feels good. Do a few rounds, then switch directions. Come back to neutral. Then start taking circles with head, spine and hips. Again taking in both directions.

2. Waves – Tuck toes and lift hips up to downward dog. Lift the heels as high as they can go. Inhale to ripple fluidly through to plank. Exhale, bending the knees and coming back to downward dog. Do about 5 rounds.

3. Side Plank in Motion – Come back to downward dog, with heels lifted. Drop both heels over to the right. Come up to left fingertips or lift the left hand up overhead. Bend both knees. Then straighten them. Repeating around 5 times. Then switch to the other side.

4. Fluid Yogi Squat – From ragdoll, turn heels in and toes out. Bend the knees and lower the hips. Squeeze the knees open. Bring elbows inside the knees. Bring right hand down and out, reaching left one up and out to the other side. Opening chest slightly to the left. Release and repeat to the other side. Moving side to side a couple of times.

5. Pigeon Pose with Side Body Stretch – Return to table top. Slide the right knee behind the right wrist. Extend the left leg back behind you. Hold up here. Then walk the fingers over to the right side. Lengthening out as you lower down. Reaching through left fingers. Hold a couple of breaths. Lift up. Walk to the left, with right hand reaching forward as you lower.

6. Head to Knee to Baby Wild Thing – Lean onto the right hip, to swing left leg around. Bring the right foot inside of the left thigh. Fold forward passively. Then lift up. Bring right hand back behind you. Press into hand and heel to lift the hips. Exhale to drop hips and fold forward, reaching right hand to left foot. Inhale to lift back up. Move through several rounds with the breath.

Repeat 5 and 6 on the other side.

7. Straddle Fluid Side Bends – Come to sit, extending both legs out to the sides. Slide the left hand down the leg and reaching right arm up and over. Pulling shoulder back. Moving side to side in a fluid and flowy way with the breath. A few times each side.

These poses come from a 20 minute Water Element class I recently shared.



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