Dry Rough Skin Causes and their Natural Solutions
Dryness and roughness in the skin take you many steps away from attaining silky and smooth skin. Dry rough skin not only indicates a lack of proper skincare but also signals a lack of essential nutrients in the body. Normally the skin around the elbows, knees, and heels appears dry and rough.
Imagine your face is glowing and as soon as you raise your hands, your rough skin comes in full public view eclipsing your lovely facial skin. In another situation, if you wish to wear a short designer dress for the evening then you cannot ignore the skin of your knees and heels that is clearly rough and dehydrated. No wonder you would have to skip the evening delight or you would prefer to dress conventionally where your unappealing skin would hide behind your outfit.
However, with proper and regular care, you can convert your unpleasant skin areas into soft and supple ones. It may take time and effort to attain that silky skin. But it is possible. Before discussing the ways to treat dry and rough skin, you need to know the reasons that led to this problem.
Causes of dry rough skin
To understand and cure this skin issue, it is hence essential to ascertain the causes behind the dryness and roughness of skin.
1. Lack of moisturization is the prime cause. While some ignore to moisturize their body parts after a shower at all, some others fail to use the right kind of moisturizer for their skin. The result is flaky, rough, and dry skin.
2. Harsh cleanser and scrubber can do a lot of harm to your skin. Harsh detergents present in cleansers can make the skin further rough and dehydrated.

3. Sun damage is another major cause of dry rough skin.
4. Change in weather conditions also makes the skin dry and rough.
5. In some cases, the oil glands are blocked and therefore, the skin does not get moisturized in a natural way.
6. Skin conditions like rosacea, psoriasis, and eczema also lead to dehydration of the skin.
7. In diseases like diabetes and hypothyroidism, the skin becomes deficient in certain nutrients and thus the surface of the skin becomes dry and rough.
8. Surprisingly, use of fragrant skin products tend to worsen the dry, rough skin condition and may cause skin irritation. Therefore, it is better to avoid fragrant products at all.
9. Some people also inherit dry skin from their parents who have suffered from this condition. So they need to be extra careful about their skin.
10. You might not have noticed that hard water which is high in calcium and magnesium prevent the absorption of moisture inside the skin causing dryness.
Now that you understand the causes, you need to know the precautions and the solutions for your skin to make your skin soft, supple, and lustrous.
Precautions to Deal with Dry, Rough Skin
Moisturize your body well
The first principle to treat dehydrated and coarse-looking skin is to moisturize it really well. It can be many times a day. It is mandatory to hydrate your body skin immediately after taking a bath. Apply a good moisturizer on damp skin. It would help to lock the moisture under the skin surface and prevent dryness.
In place of moisturizers available in the market, you may also use oils like jojoba oil, olive oil, coconut oil and grape seed oil. These oils penetrate into the skin, enhance the elasticity and beauty of the skin, and remove roughness among other benefits. Consequently, the aging signs shy away from well-moisturized skin. Even the skin areas of heels, elbows, and knees would become silky smooth when treated with these oils regularly.
Most of the time it just requires a conscious effort to hydrate the skin. Always apply moisturizer after washing the face. Similarly, after every wash, moisturize your hands and feet in order to avoid cracked skin. Moreover, treat the chapped lips with a good lip balm. Just remember to use skin type-specific products.
Avoid soaps on rough skin
The use of harsh cleansers and soaps on dry skin can further dehydrate the skin. Therefore, always use gentle facial cleansers to clean and massage the rough skin areas gently. The massage will increase the blood circulation which in turn would improve the texture of the skin.
If the skin is not dirty then there is no need to clean them frequently. Also regularly use nourishing creams before going to bed. It will treat the skin and gradually decrease the signs of aging.
![]() Orbis – Dry Skin Mild Body Foam Refill 500ml – $30.51Brand from Japan: Orbis. Reduces irritation caused by friction. Refill for medicated foam body shampoo that is gentle on dry skin and is gentle on the skin. The fine, fluffy, mild foam that comes out just by pressing reduces irritation caused by friction and prevents dryness caused by over-washing. Formulated with hypoallergenic amino acid-based cleansing ingredients and stratum corneum protective ingredients, it removes dirt while leaving moisture behind, leaving your skin feeling moist and soft after washing. Prevents rough skin and keeps delicate skin healthy. How to use: Take an appropriate amount on the palm of your hand, wash gently, and then rinse thoroughly. |
Avoid long bath
Avoid long baths and hot water bath as it will irritate or dehydrate the skin. Moreover, prolonged usage of hard water can further create dryness in the skin. Therefore, keep it short!
Once a week, use a gentle exfoliate to remove the dead cells from the skin. These dead cells when accumulated, can add to the roughness of the skin.
Save from sun
Save your skin from sun rays. Always apply a good sunscreen, with SPF 15 minimum, before going out, on the dry and rough skin to protect it from sun damage.
(See Homemade sunscreen recipes)
Use Humidifier
While indoors, use humidifier in the house to avoid dry skin. Dry air also causes dryness and itchiness in the skin.
Healthy lifestyle
Adopt a healthy lifestyle and diet to remove dryness and roughness of skin. Drink plenty of water and include all the nutrients in your daily meals to reduce dehydration/deficiencies of any kind from the body. A healthy body from within will have healthy skin. If the need arises then take supplements to cure vitamin or any other deficiency.
Lead an active life that includes workouts, exercises, and brisk walk. It would keep your system in good condition and would prove beneficial for your skin.
Treat serious skin problems
Consult a good dermatologist if your skin dryness is due to severe skin conditions and take the treatment accordingly. You may also try homemade remedies for dry skin if you have rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis.

Home Remedies and Solutions for Dry, Rough Skin
To treat dry skin issue naturally, follow these remedies-
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has several medicinal properties which makes it ideal for dry skin solution. Apply aloe vera gel liberally on dry skin such as hands and feet and cover them with socks and gloves overnight. This would help to keep the skin moisturized longer.
Oatmeal Bath
Add some powdered oatmeal to your bath water or use products with oatmeal. It has the tendency to treat the dry skin naturally.
Honey Helps to treat dry, rough skin
Honey contains antioxidant, and hydrating properties that helps to lock the moisture inside the skin while treating the skin condition. Apply honey on dry skin patches and on skin affected with eczema/ psoriasis to heal and soften the skin area. It also prevents skin infections.
For face, apply some honey directly and rinse off after few minutes to discover soft, soothing skin.
Face Masks for Dry Skin
Prepare a natural face pack made of a mixture of milk cream with few drops of lime juice. Apply it evenly and wash the same after drying. This simple remedy gives a glowing complexion to dry skin type.
The following facial mask recipe will replenish your dry skin and its deeper layers, leaving your skin feeling hydrated and looking healthy and glowing.
1. Egg and Honey Hydrating Facial Mask
a. 1 egg.
b. 1/4 cup of coconut oil
c. 1 teaspoon of honey
Scramble the egg and gradually add honey and coconut oil. The mass should look like mayonnaise. If it is too thick, add more coconut oil. If it is too runny, add a bit more honey.
Pour the mass into a plastic cup, close the cup tightly, and leave in the fridge overnight.
This mask is ready to be applied the next day. Scoop up some of the masks and freely apply all over the face. Leave it to rest for 10 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water.
Keep the rest of the mask in the freezer and use any time your dried and tired face needs a moisture boost.
2. Nourishing Egg Facial Mask
- 10 ml of honey
- The yolk of an egg
- 5 grams of dried milk powder
A homemade face mask for dry skin can be created by mixing 10 ml honey with the yolk of an egg and 5 grams of dried milk powder. The yolk of an egg will provide nourishment for the skin while the honey will help restore the pH balance. Mix the ingredients in a bowl and apply to the face using a flat wide brush. Avoid the eye and lip areas. Clean off with water after 15-20 minutes to find more supple skin which will be hydrated and look much younger.
3. Avocado Mask

1/2 Avocado
1/4 plain Greek Yogurt
1 spoon turmeric
Honey- few drops
Mix everything nicely and apply on the face for 10 minutes and then wash off. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties in the ingredients will help to improve skin texture, skin elasticity and firmness too. This recipe is also helpful for treating skin dealing with eczema and other conditions.
Also eat one of half avocado to treat dryness in body naturally.
You can use the recipes and follow the guidance given in the Skincare guide for healthy and younger-looking skin.