This is the major point or Quotes of the Dan Lok which he said Lokism.

  • Lokism #1 Sugarcoating is for cereal.
  • Lokism #2 F.U. Money is the point of true liberation.
  • Lokism #3 If you treat money as a drug, you’re likely to be an addict.
  • Lokism #4 Most people don’t do what they really want to do, They do what someones them to do.
  • Lokism #5 Money is like sex. You’ll think nothing else if you don’t have it yet you’re free to think other things if you do have it.
  • Lokism #6 F.U.Money is living your life on your own term-according to your possibilities, not your limitations.
  • Lokism #7 Definition of F.U.Money: Any amount of money allowing the infinite perpetuation of wealth necessary to maintain a desired lifestyle without needing employment or assistance from anyone.
  • Lokism #8 Money buys you time-and-time translates to the freedom to pursue happiness and personal growth, the freedom to help others, and the freedom to do whatever you damn well, please.
  • Lokism #9 Change doesn’t come without pain.
  • Lokism #10  Money is the root of all good.
  • Lokism #11 If you don’t like rich, forget becoming one of us.
  • Lokism #12 Banks don’t get robbed by those of us pulling up in a limousine or Rolls Royce.
  • Lokism #13 If you’re a jerk more money will make you a bigger jerk, If you’re nice person, more money will make you nicer person.
  • Lokism #14 Making a huge sum of money consistently required a set of skill.
  • Lokism #15 You just don’t get rich, you have to earn the right to be rich.
  • Lokism #16 It’s easier to make more money than spend less.
  • Lokism #17 Focus on generating dollars, not pinching pennies.
  • Lokism #18 Most people save their way to Bankruptcy.
  • Lokism #19 I refuse to be poor when I was broke.
  • Loksim #20 Money is attracted to speed.
  • Lokism #21 Rich people are entrepreneurs who invest.
  • Lokism #22 You can’t be a millionaire with fifty thousand dollars a year habit. 
  • Lokism #23 Don’t just work hard, work hard at working smart.
  • Lokism #24 Leverage yourself! Find as many ways as you can to make money without your direct control.
  • Lokism #25 Leverage is the maximum production with minimum effort.
  • Lokism #26 Rich people make themselves to do what they don’t know until they know how to do it.
  • Lokism #27 Business is the ultimate school of learning.
  • Lokism #28 Ready-fire-fire-fire-aim little more and then fire some more.
  • Lokism #29 Ideas aren’t wroth unless acted upon.
  • Lokism #30 The secret to wealth is committing to one idea over time.
  • Lokism #31 Don’t get advice from broke people about how to get rich.
  • Lokism #32 Do the opposite of what everyone else do you will almost always succeed.
  • Lokism #33 Every business is the reflection of its owner.
  • Lokism #34 There is 3 kinds of people:1.People who wait for things to happen 2.People who make things happen 3.People who wonder what the fuck happens.
  • Lokism #35 If you set a goal Now and you see a path of how you’re gonna achieve it, by definition, the goal is too small.
  • Lokism #36 The Rich do what is hard: That’s why their life is easy. Poor people do what’s easy: that’s why their life is hard.
  • Lokism #37 Self-esteem is the foundation of all success.
  • Lokism #38 Nothing great was achieved by the timid people.
  • Lokism #39 You can care about other people without caring about what they think.
  • Lokism #40 Confidence comes from competences.
  • Lokism #41 You can’t be Any value for to others until you value yourself.
  • Lokism #42 The amount of money you make is closely related to your self-image.
  • Lokism #43 Life isn’t fair, Business isn’t fair, People isn’t fair. Get over it.
  • Lokism #44 Hitting your daily income goal is your number one priority every day. Everything is Bullshit.
  • Lokism #45 Nobody is allowed to insult you without your permission. Nobody is allowed to say bad about you without your agreement.
  • Lokism #46 You’ll become effective only by being selective.
  • Lokism #47 Poor people get after they do the work. Rich people get pain before they do the work.
  • Lokism #48 When you don’t need money, It comes to you faster, easier and quicker than you ever thought possible.
  • Lokism #49 Needy is creepy.
  • Lokism #50 How you use your time ultimately determine how much money you make.
  • Lokism #51 Rich people value time-poor people value stuff.
  • Lokism #52 It’s better to be good at one thing than average at a bunch of things.
  • Lokism #53 Do what you
    love and the
    money will
    follow” is a lie.
    It should be:
    “Learn to love
    the activities
    that are capable
    of producing the largest sum of
    money – then
    the money will
  • Lokism #54 You can sell
    people on doing
    business with you
    on your terms, as
    long as they know
    what’s in it for
  • Lokism #55 Your number one
    job each and
    every day is to
    do everything
    you can drive
    more revenue and
    profit into your
  • Lokism #56 Distraction is the
    only true luxury
    of poor people.
    Laser-beam focus
    is mandatory for

  • Lokism #57 Most people don’t
    want the truth.
    They’re just
    looking for things
    that sounds good.
  • Lokism #58 All wealth
    schemes have
    the fatal flaw of
    taking YOU out of
    the equation.
  • Lokism #59 Definition of a
    F.U. Money
    millionaire: a
    person with
    a vision who
    orchestrates other
    peoples’ time,
    talents, and
    money to make
    his or her vision a
  • Lokism #60 It’s not just HOW
    MUCH money
    you make, it’s
    HOW you make
    the money.
  • Lokism #61 I am smart
    to know I am
  • Lokism #62 If you spend
    your entire life
    working on your
    weaknesses, at
    the end of your
    life, you’ll have
    a lot of strong
  • Lokism #63 Suck your business dry like a
    Take money out
    all the way.
  • Lokism #64 If your business
    can’t make it
    without money,
    then your business
    can’t make it
    with money.
  • Lokism #65 Life and time are
    the same thing.
    If you’re wasting
    your time, you’re
    wasting your
  • Lokism #66 If you don’t toot
    your own horn, no
    one will toot it
    for you.
  • Lokism #67 Every problem is
    a product.
  • Lokism #68 There is no easier,
    faster, and more
    certain way to
    create massive
    wealth in record
    time than the
  • Lokism #69 One conversation
    can change your
    life forever.
  • Lokism #70 If you could get
    there on your
    own, you would
    already be there.
  • Lokism #71 Never, ever get
    paid based on
    hours worked.
  • Lokism #72 Make your first
    sale online before
    worrying about
    getting rich.
  • Lokism #73 The ideas you
    think will work
    best often fail.
    The dumb and
    crazy ideas you
    threw out there
    just for the hell of
    it often produces
    the biggest results.
  • Lokism #74 Failure is a
    resource. It helps
    you find the edge
    of your capacities.
  • Lokism #75 You’re intimate
    understanding of
    your market and
    core business is
    the number one
    ingredient to
    become rich.
  • Lokism #76 Let other people
    and “things” make
    money for you.
  • Lokism #77 Stop throwing
    good money into
    profit draining
  • Lokism #78 Real commitment
    is commitment
    with a formal

If you want to buy F.u. Money then,Click Here
If you want to read F.u Money Summary then Part 1 and Part 2