
Credit card debt rises for the third month in a row – new data reveals


It seems that Aussie households are struggling to clear their Christmas debts.

In fact, credit card debt attracting interest charges has risen for the third month in a row according to the latest RBA credit card statistics.

The total credit card bill attracting interest on personal credit cards is now $17.61 billion.

At an average interest rate of 18.34 per cent, Australian households are now collectively shelling out an estimated $8.8 million in interest charges a day.

RBA: Credit card debt attracting interest charges (excludes commercial cards)

Amount owing – Feb 2024 Monthly change Year-on-year change
$17.61 billion +$36.1 million
-$141.6 million

Source: RBA, released 8 April 2024, original data, excludes commercial cards. 

Post-Christmas credit card debt is nothing new.

In the summer of 2022/23, credit card debt also rose in the months of December, January and February to a total of $17.75 billion at the end of February 2023, which is higher than it is today.

Credit card debt rose in the 2021/22 summer as well.

The concern is, however, this time around some families might not be able to regain control of their debt under the weight of 13 RBA rate hikes and higher expenses.

Change In Personal Credit Card Debt Per Month

Credit card spending cools in February

Fortunately, spending on credit cooled in February after posting a record high the month before, according to the seasonally adjusted data from the RBA.

This reduced spending will hopefully help some households get back on top of existing credit card debt in the months ahead.

Spending on debit cards, however, hit another new record high of $50.05 billion.

Total value of transactions: personal credit and debit cards

Amount – Feb 2024 Monthly change Year-on-year change
Credit (personal cards only) $27.03 billion -$113.6 million
+$989.5 million
Debit $50.05 billion

* record high

+$63.4 million
+$3.46 billion
Total $77.08 billion -$50.2 million
+$4.45 billion

Source: RBA, released 8 April 2024, seasonally adjusted data, excludes commercial cards. 

The number of credit card accounts continued to rise but at a slower pace

The number of credit card accounts rose for the 17th consecutive month, although, with an increase of just 2,809 accounts this month, the pace of growth is now slowing considerably.

As of the end of February, there were 12.67 million personal credit card accounts.

This is almost 300,000 more than the recent trough in May 2022, but down considerably from the peak of credit card accounts in June 2017 when there were 15.45 million active credit card accounts.

RBA credit card statistics: February 2024 

  Amount Monthly change Year-on-year change
Number of accounts 12.67 million +2,809

Source: RBA, released 8 April 2024, original data, excludes commercial cards. 


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