
ClickFunnels Review: Make Money Using Sales Funnels


I couldn’t feel my fingers. They were numb. It was December in Eastern Europe. And I still vividly remember the day that I first heard about ClickFunnels. Snow covered the ground. Old half-crumbling cement apartment blocks blanketed the horizon. I stood waiting for the tram—an old Soviet relic that was somehow still operating. Outside? Icy. Slippery. Grey skies. Miserable conditions. But somehow I was unbothered by it all. I was fixated and glued to my phone.

The glowing screen displayed words that would shift my understanding of online marketing and business. The book? Dot Com Secrets. The author? Russell Brunson. Although the icy air made it hard to hold the cold metallic phone in my hand, I was hooked. A riveting story was unfolding before my very eyes and the world was melting away. I had no idea what sales funnels were or who the author was at the time. But that book sparked something dormant inside of me for ages.

It’s been many years since I first read that book while traveling through Eastern Europe. But had I never picked it up? I wouldn’t know who Russell Brunson was nor would I be writing this ClickFunnels review. The truth is that you’ve probably heard about ClickFunnels from somewhere or from someone. Maybe you’ve read Dot Com Secrets, Expert Secrets, or Traffic Secrets.

Maybe you’ve heard of the Two Comma Club or Two Comma Club X award winners. Those are people who’ve made a million dollars in a year or ten million dollars in a year through a single sales funnel, respectively. You’ve seen how ClickFunnels has changed their lives. And you’re intrigued. Deep down inside you see something in them that’s inside of you. And you know that if they can do it, you can do it too.

What Are Sales Funnels?

Okay, before I dive deeper into this ClickFunnels review and tell you more about it, let me take a step back and explain what sales funnels are. Sales funnels are like websites. But they’re not the same. So don’t misinterpret that. If you’re already in business, you probably have a website, right? Websites are great to a degree. But a website has too many choices. Menus. Submenus. Sections. Information. About us. Employees. And on and on and on. What do you click? Where do you go?

Websites overwhelm you with information. They lack focus and direction. But not sales funnels. Sales funnels don’t provide multiple options. They’re direct. To the point. And they offer only one path forward. That’s important for many reasons. Think about it this way. As humans our attention spans are short. And with each passing year, they seem to get shorter and shorter. We don’t want to search around a website to figure out what to click or where to find the thing we’re looking for.

That’s why sales funnels are so different. Sales funnels provide just one pathway forward. It makes things simpler. Why? Because there are no options. You either take the action the page intends you to take or you leave. It’s as easy as that. You’re not faced with many choices. There are no forks in the road. You either fill out the form, click the button, buy the thing, complete the application, or do whatever else that page intends to you to do, or not.

Leveraging Human Psychology

I could hear the train squeaking and sparking long before it arrived at the exposed, open-air graffiti-filled station. The dull weathered exterior was yellowing and deteriorating with age. I can still picture the faces in those windows as the train was grinding to a halt. Not a smile in sight. Each face? Another soul with lost hopes and dreams that never transpired. Goals they never achieved. Things they never accomplished. I couldn’t help but feel their agony as I looked at one sorrow-filled person after another while boarding that train.

We are an interesting bunch. We humans, that is. There was no stronger reminder of that than on that day, on that train, in that city of lost hopes and dreams. I couldn’t help but think about the primary drivers of human behavior. And as I was piecing the mental puzzle together, things started making sense. I started realizing why sales funnels were so powerful. I started piecing together all the psychological factors of human behavior that fused with funnels and made them so powerful.

For example, humans always do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. After all, you’ve probably heard Tony Robbins say that, right? We’ll do more to avoid someone stealing $25,000 from us than we will to go out there and make $25,000. That’s an odd concept. But it’s important when it comes to sales funnels. Especially when you’re building out powerful lead magnets that leverage this concept to hook people in and indoctrinate them into your world.

Beyond our penchant to avoid pain and desire to gain pleasure, is our fear of missing out. That’s where other psychological factors used in sales funnels come into play. The fear of missing out (FOMO) has long been used by advertisers and marketers to drive intended actions. When you see a product running out, you clamor to get it, right? Or when you see a limited-time sale coming to an end, you know you know you can’t pass it up. This is known as scarcity and urgency.

Unpacking This ClickFunnels Review

Why did I start this ClickFunnels review with a story? Stories bind us together. Long before there were written words, there were stories. We use them to share information with others. To pass along important lessons and principles. You’ve long heard stories throughout your life, right? Your parents or guardians used stories to help shape you and guide you to be a good person and to understand things in life.

Stories can compel us to take certain actions. It can shift our beliefs and make us understand things in a different light. Reading Dot Com Secrets that day, I started understanding the true power of stories. I learned how stories can shift behavior and create new ideas to replace old ideas. I learned how stories can be used to sell concepts, principles, ideas, products and services.

To understand why ClickFunnels is so successful, you must understand the power of stories. But this is less about ClickFunnels and more about you. Yes, ClickFunnels has been used by hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs to make money online. It’s been used to generate leads, increase sales, sell memberships, online courses, run webinars, do upsells and downsells, and so much more. But at the end of the day, it’s a vehicle used to help fulfill dreams.

What most people don’t understand is that websites are dead. And sales funnels are the future. But seeing a successful sales funnel on the outside looking in, isn’t enough. You must dig deeper. You must funnel hack that sales funnel to see what’s happening beyond the surface level. There is so much more than meets the eye that if you truly want to succeed in business, you must dig deeper into these concepts and principles.

How To Use ClickFunnels To Make Money

There are many ways you can use ClickFunnels to make money. This review about ClickFunnels isn’t about revealing all the features or benefits of this sales funnel platform. It’s not about all the things you can do with ClickFunnels. Although, those things are important. You came here for the result. To make money. To start a business. Grow an existing business. To finally quit that job you’ve long-wanted to quit for ages now. You came here for the result. Right?

The beauty is this. There are so many ways that you can make money with ClickFunnels. You can use it in every industry across every business type. You can use it for small businesses, medium-sized businesses, and big businesses alike. It can be used to sell products, run events, sell services, generate leads, get customers to spend more money, and more.

It can be used to make money in real estate, digital marketing, as a freelancer, and while traveling. You can use it to make money by generating passive income, make money fast or slow, you can use it to promote affiliate links, make money from your phone and so on. There are many ways you can use ClickFunnels to make money. All you need to do is pick the way that’s right for you and go all in. It’s not about dabbling. It’s about full immersion.

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#1—Lead Generation

Every business needs leads. If you don’t have leads, you can’t make money. But we also know that lead generation is hard. It’s not easy finding people to raise their hands and show an interest in us or what we’re selling, right? It takes time. But one powerful thing that Dot Com Secrets revealed to me was how easy it was to use ClickFunnels to generate leads. And eventually turn those prospects into buyers through the power of email marketing.

There are many ways you can use ClickFunnels to make money through lead generation. The first way is to generate leads for your business by building a lead generation funnel. Lead generation funnels are designed to extract contact information by providing some form of value such as a lead magnet. You can also generate leads for local businesses by running a pay-per-lead model. That means you build the lead generation site, market it, then sell those leads to local businesses.

#2—Affiliate Marketing

One of the best ways to make the most money without ever creating or selling products or services of your own is to do affiliate marketing. As an affiliate you are helping others grow their businesses and sell their products and services. You do this by promoting affiliate links. But you can’t just spam affiliate links or hound friends and family members. You won’t succeed in affiliate marketing that way.

The way that most people approach this is to build a bridge funnel. A bridge funnel allows you to collect your contact’s information before pushing them to the affiliate offer. This way you can communicate with them afterward. Otherwise, you may never see or hear from that contact again. Bridge funnels allow you to grow and scale any affiliate offer fast. Of course, this relies on an existing audience somewhere. If you don’t have an audience, you can use ads to run traffic to your affiliate offer.


Applications allow you to flip the script to make money from prospects by getting them to prove why they’re the perfect fit for your offer. Whatever your offer is, applications let prospects know that it’s not guaranteed entry. This helps create more scarcity around your offer. The best part? You can use premade templates and a drag-and-drop editor to quickly and easily create an application funnel for any product or service you provide.

You can start that application funnel with a squeeze page or a reverse squeeze page. A squeeze page is just another name for a lead generation funnel. It’s designed to squeeze the contact information out of the prospect. Reverse squeeze pages deliver value first before asking for contact information. This creates reciprocity first. It also leads to a higher-quality lead.

#4—Sales Letters

Sales letters are designed to sell all types of products and services. You can sell everything under the sun with the right sales letter. And this is the most effective way you can present an offer. Sales letters still exist in their classical form as words and letters on the screen. However, some sales funnels combine video sales letters with their written counterparts. Some people like to consume content by reading it. Others consume it by watching videos. When you use both, you’ve got the two camps covered.

When you combine sales letters with some of the powerful features inside ClickFunnels, you can take your sales to the next level. That means incorporating things like one-time offers, order bumps, upsells and downsells. You can do all of that with ease by simply using ClickFunnels. It gives you the power and versatility to quickly launch a funnel without any technical knowledge, skill or know-how.

#5—Membership Sites

You’ve probably seen other ClickFunnels reviews that mention membership sites. That’s because membership sites are a huge niche used in the online money-making world. Why? Because membership sites allow you to grow and scale your business using recurring revenue. Recurring revenue is the Holy Grail for businesses because customers keep paying month after month after month.

There are many membership sites you can create and manage with ClickFunnels. You can do membership sites in any niche to provide support and ongoing tutorials and information to people. You can use them to build out newsletters, similar to this one by magnetic marketing. There are many successful membership sites using ClickFunnels out there such as the Bible Success Academy.


Webinars are powerful ways to help shift a prospect’s beliefs. They’re used to sell high-ticket products and services. And ClickFunnels allows you to run and manage your webinars with ease. It gives you all the features to create a webinar registration page, a webinar confirmation page, a webinar replay page, hooks into your email program to send out emails at the right time, and so on. You can do all of this with no technical knowledge or coding at all.

Webinars allow you to sell high-ticket products and services because the break false beliefs. People always hold false beliefs about why a product or service won’t work for them. They also hold false beliefs about what they can personally accomplish. And they hold false beliefs about external things that get in their way such as time and money. Webinars help to crush false beliefs and replace them with new beliefs. You can learn more about how to build a webinar funnel here.

#7—Online Courses

I’ve had a mild obsession with online courses for a long time now. Online courses allow you to share your knowledge and wisdom with others. And it helps you make money from it. Now, there are a lot of ways you can approach this. You can certainly post your online courses on platforms like Udemy and Teachable. But if you want full control over your course and the money it generates, you should build your online course in ClickFunnels.

Building Online Courses Using ClickFunnels

When you build your online course, you can use premade templates that are built into the software. And by using the drag-and-drop editor, it makes creating your online course easy. Plus, you can always purchase more templates inside of our marketplace here. This gives you the versatility to build beautiful online courses with zero technical or design skills at all.

#8—Product Launches

Product launches allow you to bring a product to your audience while using powerful psychological levers such as urgency and scarcity. Product launches are an ingenious way to roll out new offers to an existing audience. This works especially well with high-ticket products and services. And the concept behind product launches was conceived by Jeff Walker through his Product Launch Formula.

Product Launch Using ClickFunnels

The basis of a product launch is this. You spend several days promoting the launch by dripping out emails and valuable videos about the product and the industry. The emails and videos can revolve around anything that delivers value or addresses objections related to that product or niche. Then, typically, on the fourth day you roll out the actual offer. But the caveat is that it only remains open for a short period. This creates both urgency and scarcity before the cart closes down.

#9—Real Estate

Real estate is a great way to make money with ClickFunnels. You can use powerful sales funnels to grow any real estate business. This works if you’re a real estate agent or real estate broker. It works if you’re a mortgage broker hunting for leads. It also works if you’re a real estate wholesaler, a hard money lender, a cash buyer, a fix-and-flipper to find deals, and so on.

There are many ways that you can approach this. You can also help real estate agents, brokers, and so on, by building sales funnels for them. You can use platforms like Upwork and Freelancer to find paid gigs building sales funnels. Many people are hunting for skilled funnel builders. So this is an opportunity you can take if you’re not actually interested in the real estate industry.


Coaching allows you to sell a high-ticket service to others. And you can do this easily by using ClickFunnels. There are two types of coaching funnels you can build. You can do a group coaching sales funnel. Group coaching is simply where many people are coached by you at once. This is ideal for scale because people are paying for the group experience. Group coaching is a popular niche used by many coaches today.

You can also approach coaching as a one-on-one experience by taking on private clients. These are higher-paying customers who are looking for a more personalized experience with you. You can roll this into an application at the front end and use the sales funnel to deliver the coaching experience. This can include integrating with email platforms, adding weekly content, and so on.


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