
20 Minute Core Shred


Join Coach Neesha today for a fast paced workout that will fire up your core.

Coach Neesha is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and a Team Betty Rocker Coach.

When you’re short on time this type of workout is perfect to get your heart pumping and your energy flowing. This workout will hit your front abdominals, obliques, back and deep core muscles to support better posture and alignment – in less than 20 minutes!

When you don’t have a lot of time to train, do what you can when you can and remember my “all or something” motto.  It doesn’t have to be a long workout to be effective – far better to do something when you can then wait for the “perfect” time and do nothing in the meantime. As I always like to say, “the best workout is the one you DO!”

Now let’s join Coach Neesha and get this party started!

Feel the burn with 15-20 minute workouts using simple equipment so you get the most out of your training time! Take the 21 Day Quick Core Challenge in Rock Your Life and have workouts like this formatted into a plan to follow!

Start this challenge today!

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Core Shred

Click to expand and see all workout move descriptions

Equipment: none
Format:For each set, alternate between the 2 moves for 0:30, 0:45 and 0:30 until complete.

Core 1: 0:30/0:45/0:30

L Side Plank Hold/Plank Hold/R Side Plank Hold

  • L Side Plank Hold
    • Begin on the mat with your left hand or elbow planted directly under your left shoulder, core braced, hips stacked, and both legs extended so that your body is in a straight line.
    • With your right arm reaching towards the ceiling, press away through the left arm and leg to lift your hips off of the mat, feeling the engagement in your left obliques.
    • Hold for the allotted time.
    • MOD: Bend and place the bottom knee on the mat for the duration of this move.
  • Plank Hold
    • Position yourself in a tall plank position with shoulders stacked over wrists, braced core, back flat and neutral gaze (not looking up or down).
    • Hold for the allotted time, being mindful of not allowing your butt to lift or your hips to sag.
    • MOD: Perform this move with your hands positioned on an elevated surface.
  • R Side Plank Hold
    • Begin on the mat with your right hand or elbow planted directly under your left shoulder, core braced, hips stacked, and both legs extended so that your body is in a straight line.
    • With your left arm reaching towards the ceiling, press away through the right arm and leg to lift your hips off of the mat, feeling the engagement in your left obliques.
    • Hold for the allotted time.
    • MOD: Bend and place the bottom knee on the mat for the duration of this move.

Knee Drivers L/High Knees/Knee Drivers R

  • Knee Drivers R
    • Start with your core braced, right foot behind you, and arms overhead.
    • Powerfully drive your right knee up towards your chest as you swiftly bring your arms down on either side of the knee, as though you are holding a watermelon and breaking it over the knee.
    • Be mindful that you are maintaining an elevated chest and braced core throughout this move.
    • Repeat for the allotted time.
    • MOD: Hold on to the back of a chair or with your hand on a wall to assist with balance throughout this sequence.
  • High Knees
    • Begin by standing tall with your core braced and feet about hip distance.
    • Lift your left knee up towards your chest using your core strength then switch sides, lifting your right knee up towards your chest.
    • Continue alternating sides for the allotted time.
    • MOD: This can be performed quickly for a high impact cardiovascular move, or slowed down for a low impact move.
  • Knee Drivers L
    • Start with your core braced, left foot behind you, and arms overhead.
    • Powerfully drive your left knee up towards your chest as you swiftly bring your arms down on either side of the knee, as though you are holding a watermelon and breaking it over the knee.
    • Be mindful that you are maintaining an elevated chest and braced core throughout this move.
    • Repeat for the allotted time
    • MOD: Hold on to the back of a chair or with your hand on a wall to assist with balance throughout this sequence.

Core 2: 0:30/0:45/0:30

Leg Raises/Scissor Kicks/Leg Raises

  • Leg Raises
    • Begin by lying on your back with your legs extended and core braced so that your lower back is making gentle contact with the mat.
    • Lift your upper back off of the mat, sending your chest towards the ceiling to more fully engage through the core and hold this position throughout.
    • With control, lift your legs straight up until they are stacked over your hips then slowly lower your legs to hover over the mat.
    • Maintaining contact of your lower back with the mat throughout, repeat this sequence for the allotted time.
    • MOD: Bend your knees and lightly tap your toes to the mat instead of keeping your legs extended.
  • Scissor Kicks
    • Begin lying on your back with your knees bent, feet planted, and core braced so that your lower back is making contact with the mat.
    • Extend your arms beside your ears, using your core to lift your shoulders off of the mat and extend your legs out long to hover over the mat.
    • Alternate crossing one extended leg over the other for scissor kicks, being mindful that your lower back remains in contact with the mat and your shoulders stay lifted.
    • MOD: Extend your arms alongside your body to reach towards your legs or place your hands behind your head for support, being mindful of not pulling on your neck.

Superwoman Lifts/Superwoman Lifts with Trap Activators/Swimmers

  • Superwoman Lifts
    • Begin by lying on your stomach on your mat.
    • Extend your arms beside your ears, brace your core to lift and reach your arms and legs off of the mat simultaneously (the wider your legs are, the easier the move will be. As you get stronger, bring your feet closer together).
    • Hold at the top briefly and then lower yourself back towards the mat with control and repeat the lift and reach for allotted time.
    • MOD: Alternate lifting just your legs then just your arms.
  • Superwoman Lifts with Trap Activators
    • Begin by lying on your stomach on your mat.
    • Extend your arms beside your ears, brace your core to lift and reach your arms and legs off of the mat simultaneously (the wider your legs are, the easier the move will be. As you get stronger, bring your feet closer together).
    • As you lift your body off the mat, draw your elbows back towards your ribcage, focusing on the squeeze between your shoulder blades.
    • Re-extend your arms, and lower both arms and legs back to the starting position.
    • Repeat sequence for the allotted time.
  • Swimmers
    • Lie on your stomach with your arms and legs extended and reaching toward the walls in front of and behind you.
    • With a braced core, lift your right arm and left leg up at the same time and then alternate with your left arm and right leg and repeat back and forth.
    • Keep a slight contraction in your lower back as you “swim” and keep your gaze neutral so your neck isn’t straining or hyperextending.
    • Repeat for allotted time.
    • MOD: Place your fingertips on the floor to support a lifted upper body and isolate moving just the legs.

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Core 3: 0:30/0:45/0:30

Crescent kicks

  • Begin by standing tall in the middle of your mat with core braced and hands in a fighting stance at your chest.
  • Take a small hop to send your right foot a little behind your left foot at hip-width distance and kick your right leg up and across your body, imagining that you’re drawing a crescent with your foot (as high as you’re comfortable with).
  • Be mindful that you are not sacrificing a strong core and tall chest for a higher kick.
  • Briefly plant your right foot and take a little hop to switch your left foot to behind and repeat the crescent kick with your left foot.
  • Continue alternating sides for allotted time.
  • MOD: Remove the hop for low-impact and keep your legs bent as you draw crescents in the air with your knees instead of extended legs.

Cross cross jump

  • Begin standing with hands behind your head, elbows wide, braced core, and chest upright.
  • Without pulling on your head, twist your torso to the left as you use your core to draw your left knee up and over to touch your right elbow. Be mindful that you keep your chest upright, bringing your knee up to your elbow instead of your elbow down to your knee.
  • Plant your left foot and repeat cross crunch with your left elbow and right leg.
  • Return to starting position, planting both feet hip width distance.
  • Send your hips back as you come into a squat, bracing your core and keeping your chest up, allowing your knees to track in line with your toes.
  • Powerfully drive through your heels to jump and land lightly with a braced core and evenly distribute your weight along each entire foot while allowing your hips and knees to bend to absorb force.
  • Repeat this sequence for the allotted time.
  • MOD: Make this low impact by removing the jump and performing a body squat, driving through the heels to stand and squeezing your glutes at the top.
  • You can also use a chair/couch to guide your squat form.

Great job Rockstar! Remember you don’t have to do it ALL to be doing great! Check in with me and Coach Neesha to let us know how you liked that workout.

One-off workouts are great, but having a PLAN to follow is even better!

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I love hearing from people in Rock Your Life who find success applying the Betty Rocker principles and workouts! Check out Natalie’s 2 month progress.

“I was getting discouraged by my scale…but I did decide to take the progress pictures – only once a month though…well now it’s 2 months later. Only 2 months! And wanna know how much I weigh? I’ve lost 3.6 lbs..that’s it! Ladies, don’t look at the scale as the only way to judge your progress! I’m completely shocked by this! 🙂 Almost finished my second 30-day challenge, and I’m not gonna stop!”

Anyone can share in this success – no matter where you’re starting out!

Click Here to start your journey today!

(Returning to Rock Your Life? Just use the “returning members” button on the same page!)


The post 20 Minute Core Shred appeared first on The Betty Rocker.


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