
8 Passive Income Ideas For Massage Therapists


Nowadays, more people around the world are realizing the importance of wellness, and in the US for example, there were over 20,000 spa locations as of 2018 with over 190 million yearly visitors (source). Despite the boom, massage therapists still earn some of the lowest salaries. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), on average, massage therapists earn $41,000 per year, so having multiple passive income streams can supplement your income as a massage therapist, and help you prepare for retirement.

Can massage therapists earn passive income? There are numerous passive income-earning opportunities for massage therapists. Some streams include blogging, podcasting, creating niche sites, Chatbots, selling eBooks, affiliate marketing and many more. If you are passionate about massage therapy, you can build a passive income stream to turn it into a passive income source.

8 Passive Income Ideas For Massage Therapists

In this post, we uncover 8 Passive Income Streams for Massage Therapists that can be highly lucrative with time, effort and hard work. For more details about each idea, please hit the orange button below to view a comprehensive beginner’s guide on the topic on our site. We have hundreds of passive income ideas and guides. The more passive income streams you have, the more income you make. Let’s get started.

1. Blogging

If you are passionate or knowledgeable about a specific niche topic in massage therapy, you can share your knowledge with others through a monetized blog. Blogging has become a popular way of sharing knowledge and building a personal brand. You can earn well over $1,000/month from a well-built monetized blog (source). For example, let’s say you are passionate about aromatherapy. You can start a blog that specifically relates to aromatherapy massages. This helps you create a site that demonstrates your skills with massage therapy so you can build and monetize an audience.

However, running a successful blog is not easy at first. You will need to offer high-quality content, in order to generate traffic, grow your audience, and monetize your blog. Following the right strategies (like the ones shared by successful entrepreneurs Rick and Jim from Income School’s Project 24), your blog can earn you a full-time passive income within 24 months. From then on, you can start earning money from your blog once it is monetized.

You can monetize your blog by placing ads, affiliate marketing, selling physical and digital products and more. You can use the knowledge gained from your first blog to open other blogs, monetize them, and earn more passive income. For more details about blogging as an ideal passive income stream for massage therapists, check out our blogging guide.

Learn More About Passive Income Blogging

2. Chatbots

Chatbots are becoming popular communication tools for businesses and individuals. With a well-built, well-monetized bot, you can earn over $2,000/month by using it to generate leads, sell products, assist customers, provide special offers and more (source). The best part? Bots are becoming more and more popular and can help you outsource and automate your business.

You can use your bot to answer common questions about massage therapy for example. If the person doesn’t find the answer they need from your bot, it can inquire about their location and generate a lead for your massage therapy company. You can also resell the lead for an excellent commission or automate the entire process and make it even more passive. Getting started on bots is quite easy.

Learn More About Passive Income Blogging

3. YouTube

As a therapist, you can share your massage therapy knowledge through videos and earn a passive income. Videos are credible and compelling sources of information and YouTube is currently the world’s most popular source of video content. With the right content and following the right strategies, you can start a channel on massage therapy, monetize it, and earn well over $1,000/month (source).

For example, let’s say you are passionate and knowledgeable about abdominal massage therapy (used to relieve cramping, cramping, diarrhea or constipation). You can start a YouTube channel that educates your followers on massage therapy to facilitate digestion and avoid complications by posting educational videos in this niche. This can help you generate traffic, grow your audience, and monetize your channel to start earning a passive income. Currently, YouTube requires you to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4k hours of watch time within the last year for your channel to be considered for monetization.

Building a successful channel is not easy and requires dedication at the beginning. However, you can learn techniques and other tips to turn your channel into a strong passive income stream from the Project 24 Course. Please view our guide for more details about YouTube as a passive income stream, even for massage therapists.

Learn More About Passive Income With YouTube

4. Creating Niche Sites

A niche site is a blog designed to serve or resonate with a specific audience. Your audience has common interests and a niche site serves as a resourceful source of specific, detailed information. You can create a massage therapy site and if your audience hits 30k page views every month, you can earn $1,000/month from your niche site following Project 24’s method. According to Project 24, you can actually earn over $7,000/month within 24 months following their strategy by building a successful niche site (source).

For instance, instead of blogging about massage therapy as a general topic, you can narrow down your niche to deep tissue massage for athletes. The goal is that athletes looking to learn about deep tissue massages will end up on your site. Therefore, your niche site helps you stand out from other pages online, beat competition, generate traffic, and growing your audience.

Remember your audience visits your site to research information about a specific topic (in our case it is deep tissue massage for athletes) so ensure you offer simplified, well-researched, quality content to make it easily understandable. In due time and with a sound audience, you can monetize your site (through ads, affiliate marketing, selling products, email marketing etc.) and start earning passive income. For more details about niche sites and how to build one that earns sound passive income, please see our full guide.

Learn More About Passive Income Creating Niche Sites

5. Affiliate Marketing

You can earn a passive income by choosing a product in the massage therapy industry that you love or use frequently, promote it through an affiliate site, and earn a commission on sales made through your links. All you need are popular or essential products you are passionate about and that have affiliate offers.

For example, you can market massage therapy products like massage chairs, tables, lotions, aromatherapy products, oils, etc. that you highly recommend and use frequently. All you need to do is to sign up on an affiliate program, promote and sell the products, and earn a commission on sales. Some of the most popular affiliate marketing sites include Amazon Affiliates, or Commission Junction (CJ).

Affiliate marketing may sound easy and lucrative, but it actually takes a lot of work because you need to identify a viable product, create content about it, and promote it extensively to your audience. Combining this strategy with a blog, niche site or YouTube channel is a great way to boost passive income. For more details about affiliate marketing as a viable passive income stream for massage therapists, please view our guide.

Learn More About Passive Income Affiliate Marketing

6. Podcasting

As a massage therapist, content writing may not be your cup of tea. You can choose to share knowledge through recording audio files (podcasts) and post them for your audience to listen. With a successful podcasting business, you can rake in over $6,000/month following Project 24’s podcasting methods. For example, you can identify a niche e.g. fertility massage therapy (i.e. abdominal massage, reflexology, and aromatherapy that enhances reproductive health), record, and post informative podcasts about this niche. Once your podcast starts generating traffic and your audience grows, you can monetize it and earn a passive income from it.

Remember, the quality of your content is key and it determines how fast you generate traffic, grow your audience, and maintain loyal followers. You can monetize your podcast by placing ads, affiliate marketing, selling products and more. You can also earn income through membership fees and donations.

Building a successful podcast business is not an easy task. However, with the right niche, content, monetization, and a few key strategies you can learn from Project 24, you can earn over $6,000/month. For more details about podcasting and how to earn a passive income from it as a massage therapist, feel free to see our podcasting guide.

Learn More About Passive Income Podcasting

7. eBooks

As a therapist, you can earn a passive income by creating and selling eBooks (on massage therapy) to online customers. With compelling content and an active audience, eBooks can be a great way to monetize your audience. You only need to identify a niche topic, write popular content on the topic, and sell it to earn passive income once your book is done.

Selling eBooks is a highly passive means of making an income because you can outsource service from a ghostwriter to do the work if you do not have time (ex. writing, editing, publishing). Once the book is ready, you just have to upload it to an eCommerce service to make it available for sale. On platforms like KDP you can write, upload, and sell your eBooks fairly easily. This should be combined with an idea that builds an audience like blogging or YouTubing to generate traffic to it. Check out this guide for more information about how you can make passive income from eBooks.

Learn More About Passive Income with eBooks

8. 3D Printing

Many people think that 3D printing is an income stream exclusively meant to benefit designers, but that is not the case. As long as you are willing to learn about it, you can earn a passive income from 3D printing as a massage therapist. With the right designs and strategies, you can make monthly passive income from 3D printing (source). Some ways you can earn passive income from 3D printing include designing and selling 3D printed objects, leasing 3D equipment (e.g. printer), teaching others about 3D printing, and offering printing services. You can choose to print massage therapy objects with your printer and sell them online and offline to customers or colleagues who need them.

Other sites like Thingiverse, iMaterialize, and Sculpteo allow you to create and download prints and send them directly to your printer. Some forms of 3D printing might require a hefty capital investment such as buying a printer, but the returns and level of passiveness make it a worthy investment for therapists. For details about 3D printing as a passive income stream, read our 3D Printing guide.

Learn More About Passive Income 3D Printing

Related Questions

How much passive income can I make as a massage therapist? How much passive income you make as a massage therapist depends on a number of factors including your choices of passive income streams, dedication, skills, motivation and more. No matter what, it will require time, hard work and sustained effort to build a profitable, sustainable passive income stream.

See More Passive Income Ideas

How long would it take before I start earning income passively? Every passive income stream offers unique periods before you can start earning passive income. Generally, the amount of time it takes before you break even depends on your individual effort, skill, choice of niche and location of your business. It can take several weeks of intense work, to months to years to build a sustainable, profitable passive income stream.


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