
33 Ways To Make Money Today


You’re in a bind. Stuck. Some call it a rock and a hard place. You call it life. Somehow, you always find yourself in this position. It’s a place you’ve been many times before. But you’re used to it. You’re used to not having money and scrambling to find ways to make it fast. It’s not the exception to the rule. It’s the norm. Right?

I get it. Not having money isn’t ideal. It doesn’t matter how you got here. What matters is finding ways to make money fast. Not fast as in tomorrow. Today. Right now. Pronto. Look, there are many ways you can do this. In today’s world, you can make money online, offline and from home. But not all of them will help you make money by the end of the day.

Look, maybe you have some bills to pay. Maybe a creditor is breathing down your throat. Maybe you’re trying to save yourself from a nightmare that’s unraveling. Whatever it is you need the money and you need it right now. To understand the approach you have to first understand money and how it works. Once you understand it you can harness it to generate a lot of money fast.

I don’t say this lightly. I’m not here to sell you some dream or convince you you’re going to get rich overnight. Nope. That’s not it all. What I do want to explain is this. Money isn’t real. It’s not. Money is a fictitious thing. It’s imaginary bits and bytes that create digital numbers on a screen. Sure you can touch it and feel it. But it’s not real in the sense you’re thinking of it.

How To Make Money Today

Money is a store of value. It’s not backed by anything. Some governments create it arbitrarily. And money by itself is meaningless. It’s just pieces of paper with deceased notables on them. That’s it. The important thing to understand is this. People exchange money to solve problems. And they will exchange that money to solve a problem when the value of the solution exceeds the value of the money they’re holding.

Think about it like this. Let’s say someone has a leak in their roof. That’s a problem, right? After all, water is leaking through the roof and ruining their home. And it’s likely causing damage. Maybe even mold. That’s a problem someone has to solve and they have to solve it fast. To solve that problem they might need to pay a little bit of money or a lot. It all depends on the situation.

Problems can be small and they can be big. When a fast food restaurant needs a new worker they have a problem. But it’s not a big problem. Why? Because hundreds would gladly take that job. It’s a small problem for the company to have. And they can solve that problem quickly in a matter of days. Now, what if that fast food business has a broken fryer? Or what if they experience a sudden drop in sales?

People and companies will pay to solve problems. Your goal (if you want to make money quickly) is to find those problems and offer solutions. Your solution and the amount of money you get paid must be more valuable to the other than the money they’re paying. That’s it. If you can do that you can make money a lot of money fast.

#1—Deliver Food

There is unlimited demand for food. People always need to eat, right? And in some places you can deliver food without a car. All you need is some form of transportation. It can be a bike or an electric scooter. Anything. This isn’t difficult to do. Nor is it difficult to get approved to do food deliveries. It’s a simple and easy way to make money quickly.

#2—Walk Dogs

If you love dogs you can use many apps to care for dogs in your neighborhood. For example, apps like Rover let you walk dogs and get paid. Yes, it’s a simple problem to solve. And you won’t make much money doing it. But if you need some quick cash this is a simple way to earn it. Collect great reviews and feedback and you’ll get the best dog-walking gigs.

#3—Build Funnels

Every business needs a sales funnel. Every. Single. One. That’s because websites don’t work like they used to. Don’t know what a sales funnel is? It’s like a magic little money-making machine. Plus, you can build sales funnels (aka marketing funnels) easily. No coding skills are required. You can use a drag-and-drop editor to make them fast. And you can sell them in our funnel marketplace to earn passive income.

#4—Sell Used Stuff

Everyone has things lying around their house that they can sell to make a quick profit. You can use an app like OfferUp to sell most products. Maybe you have a couch lying around you want to get rid of. Maybe it’s an old tablet or smartphone. Or maybe you have some memorabilia you can part with. Take nice photos and spend time on a good description. Then sell those items.

#5—Thrift Shops

Thrift shops can be a gold mine if you know what you’re looking for. More importantly, you can resell those items quickly on sites like ThredUp or Poshmark. Especially if you have a keen eye for spotting great finds. Talk to thrift shops to figure out when they get new inventory into their stores. Then make sure you’re then when it arrives if you want to score the best stuff.

#6—Power Washing

Businesses and homes need power washing. They need to power wash their driveways, patios, entrances, and so on. You can rent a power washer from your local Home Depot or other hardware store. Then, head to local businesses and offer to do power washing. You can make a lot of money in a short period. It’s simple, easy and effective. Plus, this can turn into a profitable side hustle for you.

#7—Driving For Dollars

Driving for dollars is a term used in the real estate industry. The goal is to find a distressed property in your neighborhood. Homes that have overgrown grass or look like they’ve been unkept or even abandoned. Then, you find the owner and make them a low-ball offer on the property. And you find a cash buyer to flip that contract to and make money without ever having to purchase the house yourself.


You can make money as a freelancer quickly. Take simple jobs that are quick and easy to deliver. Don’t complicate things. If you’re good at photography, take photos. If you can code, take simple web development jobs. You can also do graphic design, paid ads, search engine marketing, and so much more. Use sites like Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr to find gigs.

#9—Landing Page Designs

Landing pages are an important part of business. Every company needs a good landing page to sell their offer. That landing page can be inside of a lead generation funnel that generates leads. It can be inside of a sales funnel that acquires customers. It can also be part of a video sales letter, application funnel, and more. If you can design landing pages, you can make good money quickly.

#10—Create Lead Magnets

Every business needs a good lead magnet. All you need to do is create it. Lead magnets help companies acquire leads and eventually make sales. That’s because they use email marketing to sell products and services to those leads. All you need to do is reach out to businesses and offer to create lead magnets for them. Use social media, freelancing sites, cold calling and any other means necessary.

#11—Sell Digital Products

You can make money quickly by selling simple digital products. Digital products do not need to be complicated. For example, you could interview a successful person and ask them for advice on how they got rich or built a big business. Then you can sell that interview as a simple digital product. You can even do multiple interviews and sell them inside of a membership site. There are so many ways to approach this.

#12—Tutor Students

You can easily tutor students online. Many online tutoring sites exist today that are designed to help connect teachers with students. If you have expertise in a certain subject consider tutoring students online. It’s a simple and quick process to get approved on most online tutoring sites. And you can start making money right away. Use Tutor, Varsity Tutors, and other sites to find students to tutor.

#13—Narrate Audiobooks

Audiobook narration helps authors looking to turn their books into audiobooks. And it allows you to earn an income based on the per-finished-hour rate that the author sets. Some authors might even offer a royalty share. But it’s not often the case for established authors. You can use the ACX platform to find audio narration gigs.

#14—Take Online Surveys

Taking online surveys will definitely not make you rich. But it will allow you to make some cash when you’re in a tight spot. You can make a little bit of money for each survey you take. Not lots. But if you do many of them it will add up. You can use sites like Inbox Dollars or Swagbucks. There are so many online survey sites you can choose from.

#15—Social Media Management

Many people use social media to make a full-time income. How? By doing social media management. If you’re good at social media, this makes sense. All you need to do is create content regularly. Have a link to a lead generation funnel in your profile then start reaching out to businesses to help them with their social media. Direct message 100 businesses per day and you’ll at least get a few to entertain your offer.

#16—Write Copy

All businesses need great copywriting. It’s at the heart of every key performance indicator of a business. Great copy helps you generate more leads, make sales, get customers to spend more money, and so on. It’s at the heart of the most effective sales letters, email communications, landing page language, upsell pages, down-sells, and so on. If you’re a good copywriter you can quickly help companies increase sales and revenue, and ultimately grow their businesses faster.

#17—Advertise On Your Car

Companies will pay you to advertise their brands on your car. Especially if you drive frequently and for great distances. Many companies exist to help you achieve this goal. They’ll even wrap your car in an advertisement for you. Companies like Carvertise and Wrapify are just a couple of examples of companies willing to pay you to place advertisements on your car.

#18—Promote Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways you can make money hands down. It does require an audience of some kind if you’re looking to pull this off without spending any money. If you do have a limited budget for ads you can promote affiliate links through paid ads and make money today. Yes, even without a list. But you will need some form of a bridge funnel or lead generation funnel to capture those affiliate leads.

#19—Test Out Websites

Websites are dying. But companies still use them to sell products and services. And many sites exist just to allow users to test those sites and provide feedback. For example, sites like User Testing (and many others) allow you to make money just by testing websites and providing feedback. You’ll need to fill out an application to get started but the process is simple.

#20—Coaching & Consulting

Coaching and consulting are probably the best ways you can make a lot of money quickly. You need to be good at what you do to pull this off. And the better you are the more willing people will be to pay you for your services. If you can help people navigate a real problem you can make good money. Start reaching out to people you can help (and can afford to pay you for your help).


You can livestream on many platforms. When you livestream you can collect gifts. Gifts can be exchanged for money. For example, you can collect gifts on TikTok that earn you money. You can also livestream on platforms like Kick. Kick pays some creators to livestream hourly. You can also livestream other places and earn. The key is to build your audience so you’ll need to livestream consistently.

#22—Paint House Numbers

You can make money offline by door-knocking and offering to paint house numbers on curbs. This is a common way people use to make money. It’s something that most homes want. And once you have a couple that say yes you can use that to get neighbors to sign up. You’ll need stencils and some spray paint to do this. And you can charge anywhere from $10 to $30 per house.

#23—Donate Blood & Plasma

If you need cash fast you can always donate blood or plasma. Many donation sites allow you to donate both. Donating plasma will take much more out of you than simply donating just blood. Either way, you’ll need to be in good overall health to do this. The amount you make will depend on the region you live in. Do a couple of simple searches to discover the pros and cons of either.

#24—Day Trade

Day trading is not a sure thing. It’s not a guaranteed way to make money. You can even lose money doing this. But it is a way you can make a lot of money in a short period. Especially if you know what you’re doing. Make sure you use a paper trading account to test out your strategies before going all in. And learn the ropes and the indicators first and foremost before putting any real money on the line.

#25—Host Local Events

If you have skills that can help people solve a particular problem you can host a local event. Use that local event to position yourself as an expert by delivering solutions to the problem they’re facing. You can then sell the implementation of that solution. You can also record that event and sell the recordings as a digital product inside of a sales funnel.

#26—Design Themes

If you have an eye for design you can make money by creating theme designs for websites, WordPress blogs, and more. You can sell those designs on sites like Envato and Template Monster. This can help you generate some passive income. This way, you can earn a bit of money in your sleep and won’t have to rely as much on getting paid hourly or per job.

#28—Create Content

You can make money as a content creator in many ways. You can create user-generated content for businesses or help promote other businesses by sharing your experiences with them. And you can create content in many places. You can use social media, blogs, YouTube videos, and so on. You can get paid sponsorships, get donations through Patreon, and more.

#27—Edit Videos

You can edit short-form videos to make money quickly. People will gladly pay you to edit these videos because they can use them to promote their products and services on social media. All you need to do is reach out to businesses and offer your help. You should have some good examples available for people to see so that they can hire you. Add a link to a lead generation funnel in your profile to give people a place to opt in to learn more about you.

#29—Sell Domains

You can buy and sell domains on sites like GoDaddy Auctions. And you can buy and sell entire websites on sites like Flippa and Empire Flippers. If you have an existing domain you can always sell it for some fast cash. But the best way to approach this is to buy an entire site with content and income already in place. Then, you can increase the traffic to earn more money with it.

#30—Use Zapier

Zapier is a popular platform for automating many tasks. You can connect systems that don’t normally integrate. And you can use it to streamline systems and processes for businesses. Once you get good at this you can offer to help companies connect different systems in their businesses to better track their day-to-day performance. And you can get paid for doing it.

#31—Sell On Etsy

If you enjoy making handmade items you can sell them on a site like Etsy. You can sell any kind of handmade item here. Take some great photos and write an enticing description. Then, you’ll need to run ads or find a solid organic traffic source. For example, you could take videos of you creating the products and post them on TikTok and other social media platforms to spur sales.

#32—Rent Your Driveway

You can rent out your entire driveway (or a parking spot in a building) to earn money. Especially when you live in a busy metropolitan area. If you live near a train station or airport you can make good money renting out parking spots. You can use apps like JustPark, Spacer and others to generate a bit of income doing this.

#33—Use Airbnb

You can rent out your entire home or just a room in your home on Airbnb. It’s a great way to make a bit of extra cash on the side. Focus on taking great pictures and writing a detailed description of the space. This works best if you’re in a popular vacation destination. But people always need a place to stay so it’s always worth a shot. You can also manage vacation rentals for others to make even more money.


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