25 Skilled Voicemail Greetings to Assist You File the Excellent One
A voicemail message helps briefly clarify your absence and communicate with purchasers, colleagues, and potential prospects. However how precisely do you document an efficient voicemail message? On this information, I am going to present you how one can document a voicemail message and supply 25 templates that you should use for your self.

Personalized, skilled voicemail greetings increase your credibility, make you appear extra competent, and encourage whoever’s listening to it to proceed the connection. A comparatively unprofessional one, alternatively, does the other: It encourages prospects, recruiters, and potential connections to run within the different route.
On this publish, I am going to share what makes a great skilled voicemail greeting — and the perfect voicemail greeting scripts you should use.
Professional Tip: If you are undecided how one can depart a great voicemail, try the only voicemail script ever and how one can finish a voicemail that retains the gross sales dialog open.
Desk of Contents
How To File A Voicemail Message
Earlier than diving into all the several types of voicemail messages, this is a fast overview of how one can document a voicemail message:
- Write your voicemail message. It‘s vital to maintain an expert tone, so I’ll share 25 scripts which you could personalize.
- Put together for good audio high quality. It is best to document voicemail messages in a quiet house with out background noises or echo.
- Open your telephone app. This may be your commonplace voicemail settings or a telephone app just like the Google Voice App.
- Faucet document and say your voicemail recording. In case you‘re nervous, you may follow utilizing the voice memo app in your telephone. It’s finest to document voicemails that sound pure and pleasant.
What is an effective voicemail greeting?
voicemail greeting is brief {and professional}, lets folks know that you simply‘ll get again to them, and invitations callers to proceed participating with a call-to-action. You must also present your character in the event you’re in an business or position that permits that. In case your business is extra conservative, nonetheless, you will wish to hold humor and private touches to a minimal.
What to Say in a Voicemail Greeting
This is what it is best to say in an expert voicemail greeting:
- A greeting.
- Your identify.
- Your organization.
- A easy rationalization for lacking the decision (e.g., you are away from the telephone or are on vacation).
- A tough estimate of if you’ll get again to the individual.
- An alternate individual to succeed in out to (in the event you’re out of workplace).
- An alternate mode of communication (in the event you favor electronic mail or textual content).
- A call-to-action comparable to “Depart a message” or “Ship me an electronic mail at me@instance.com.”
That is the straightforward construction of a voicemail greeting. General, your greeting ought to be skilled, however the wording can fluctuate relying on the scenario. Take a look at a pattern under.
25 Voicemail Script Templates
Listed here are 25 voicemail script templates for any event. That features steerage for referrals, greetings, chilly outreach, and extra.
Skilled Voicemail Greeting Pattern
“Hey, you‘ve reached [name] at [company]. I’m unable to come to the telephone proper now. Depart your identify and quantity, and I‘ll return your name as quickly as I’m free. Thanks.”
Straightforward, proper? And but, why is it so laborious?
I‘ve acquired you lined. I’ve compiled a few of the finest voicemail greetings you should use for just about any scenario you will come throughout.
Voicemail Greetings
- Pattern Work Voicemail Greeting: Hello, you‘ve reached [your name] at [your company]. I’m unavailable proper now — most likely serving to [type of company] get [X results, e.g., ‘double their leads in 60 days,‘ ‘hire the best and brightest engineers,’ ‘convert 40% more customers’].
- Pattern Brief Voicemail Greeting: Hello, that is [your name]. I‘m both on a name or away from my desk. Please depart your identify, quantity, and a short message, and I’ll get again to you. Thanks.
- Pattern Enterprise Voicemail Greeting: Hey, you‘ve reached [X company]. We are able to’t take your name proper now, however please depart your identify, contact info, and cause for reaching out, and one among our workforce members will probably be in contact inside 24 hours.
- Pattern Humorous Voicemail Greeting: That is Bond. James Bond. Okay, it‘s actually [your last name]. [Your first name] [your last name]. I’ll get again to you as quickly as I am accomplished serving to M16 save the world — which is able to most likely be tomorrow on the newest. Have a great day.
- Pattern Trip Voicemail Greeting: Hello, you‘ve reached [your name]. I’m away from 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z to 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z. In case you need assistance with [X] earlier than then, please contact [name] at [phone number].
- Pattern Vacation Voicemail Greeting: Hey, you‘ve reached [your name, the office of X company]. The workforce is at the moment out of the workplace, however we’ll be again on 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z full of good meals and keen to talk with you.
Work Voicemail Greetings
These work voicemail greeting examples are for the work telephone that you simply and solely you utilize. They’re extremely efficient as a result of they enable you to set up a relationship straight from the voicemail. Or, they enable you to share an vital replace in a easy, easy manner.
1. Gross sales Outcomes Voicemail Instance
“Hello, you’ve got reached [your name] at [your company]. I am unavailable proper now — most likely serving to [type of company] get [X results, e.g. ‘double their leads in 60 days,’ ‘hire the best and brightest engineers,’ ‘convert 40% more customers.’] Depart your identify and quantity, and we’ll focus on how your organization can see comparable outcomes.”
In case you’re a salesman, you may proceed your lead nurturing course of through your voicemail. On this voicemail script, you’ve the choice to incorporate a short description of what you assist prospects do, in order that your callers remember your worth proposition. And even when it isn’t a gross sales prospect, it will possibly assist fallacious callers perceive whether or not they’ve reached the best individual.
Professional tip: You probably have a number of companies or merchandise, reference your broadest providing in order that it applies to probably the most prospects.
2. E-mail Possibility Voicemail Instance
“Hello, you‘ve reached [name] at [company]. In case you want a fast response, please shoot me an electronic mail at [insert email address], and I’ll be in contact by EOD tomorrow. If it isn’t pressing, depart me a message together with your identify and quantity. Have an excellent day.”
Favor to be contacted through electronic mail? Make that clear in your voice memo in order that listeners attain out to you thru your electronic mail as a substitute. This explicit voicemail script makes electronic mail much more fascinating by implying that it is a quicker mode of communication.
Professional tip: The clear name to motion is what makes this voicemail message work – hold your CTA simply as easy.
3. Different Contact Voicemail Message
“Hey, that is [your name]. In case you’re calling for [X reason], please [contact so-and-so] or [go to our website, send me an email]. For all different inquiries, depart your identify and a short message, and I am going to name you again inside [one, two, three] enterprise day[s].”
Receiving fixed calls on behalf of one other individual, or for routine inquiries, is usually a large time-waster. With this voicemail script, you may present alternate options to the caller, particularly in the event you get requires a typical cause that you simply’re not chargeable for.
Professional tip: Strive propositioning these various contact strategies as quicker avenues for the caller to get the data they want.
4. Parental Depart Voicemail Script
“Hey, you’ve got reached [your name and title]. I am at the moment out on parental depart till 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z. Within the meantime, please direct all telephone calls to [alternate contact name] at [phone number] and emails to [insert email address]. Thanks, and I am going to see you in [month you’ll be back in the office].”
Ah, the enjoyment of welcoming a brand new member of the family! In case you‘ve obtained parental depart, think about using a voicemail script just like the one above, which directs callers to a different level of contact. You don’t need to be so formal — be happy to customise it as a lot as you need to point out your character.
Professional tip: Resist the urge to apologize for missed calls in your parental depart voicemail message. Everybody understands this time away from the workplace.
5. Resignation Voicemail Message
“Hey, [person’s name] is chasing new adventures and is now not with [Company name]. Please ahead all future requests to [new or interim person’s name] at [phone number]. Thanks!”
You or somebody at your now-former firm can use the voicemail script above to direct callers to the perfect present contact. I like that it features a pleasant observe that you simply’re “chasing new adventures” — you should use the same phrase to convey pleasure at your new alternative.
Professional tip: Preserve the tone of this voicemail message heat and pleasant; there is no must suggest {that a} departure was strained.
Brief Voicemail Greetings
Your purchasers haven’t got loads of time, and neither do you. Use the next quick voicemail greetings to get to the purpose shortly and invite them to depart a message.
6. Brief Gross sales Voicemail Greeting
“Hello, that is [your name]. I am both on a name or away from my desk. Please depart your identify, quantity, and a short message, and I am going to get again to you. Thanks.”
This quick voicemail script is especially apt for salespeople who are sometimes on calls. However you should use it in the event you‘re a higher-level worker who’s usually out and in of conferences, and in the event you usually miss requires that cause.
Professional tip: Smile as you document this voicemail message — listeners can truly hear the distinction!
7. Brief Voicemail Script with Requested Motive
“Hey, that is [your name] at [company]. Thanks for calling. Please depart your identify, quantity, and the explanation you‘d like to speak, and I’ll get again to you ASAP.”
If you would like your voicemail entries to be just a little extra particular, you may request that the caller point out the explanation for his or her name. This can be a smart way to make sure you know why (and even in the event you ought to) attain again out to them. You too can use this instance as a private voicemail greeting by eradicating the “at [company].”
Professional tip: Think about using this in the event you get loads of solicitors or chilly calls. This lets you prioritize your communication.
8. Brief Traditional Voicemail Greeting for Landlines
“Hello, you‘ve reached [your name]. I’m unable to come to the telephone proper now. Depart your identify, quantity, and a brief message, and I am going to make sure you name again.”
This traditional voicemail message merely states that you simply couldn‘t come to the telephone in time to choose up the decision — which is especially helpful for landlines, which you don’t carry in your individual. (In case you‘re making a voicemail greeting on your cellphone, this one wouldn’t fairly work, since you often have your telephone on you.) I like that it is easy and to the purpose.
Professional tip: Resist the urge to over-explain your self; until you are saving lives, nobody expects you to be accessible 24/7.
9. Brief Traditional Voicemail Message for Cell Telephones
“Hey, that is [your name]. Thanks for reaching out. I‘m busy in the mean time, however in the event you depart your identify, quantity, and an in depth message, I’ll return your name.”
One other traditional voicemail script, however this time, it‘s extra device-agnostic. All it says is that you simply’re busy in the mean time and asks the caller for his or her contact info and their message. Easy and straightforward.
Professional tip: In case you conduct enterprise in your private cellphone, think about together with enterprise hours in your voicemail message to set appropriate expectations.
Voicemail Message Instance
Hello, you‘ve reached [your name]. I’m unable to come back to the telephone proper now. Depart your identify, quantity, and a brief message, and I am going to get again to you as quickly as attainable.
Enterprise Voicemail Greetings
Are you making a voicemail greeting on your whole firm or workforce? These enterprise voicemail greetings will do the trick.
10. Entrance Workplace Voicemail Script
“Hey, you’ve got reached [X company]. We won’t take your name proper now, however please depart your identify, contact info, and cause for reaching out, and one among our workforce members will probably be in contact inside 24 hours.”
This easy voicemail message is an effective match for many companies. Whether or not you‘re an area store or an enterprise firm, this script will courteously take messages if one among your staff doesn’t choose up the telephone.
Professional tip: Be certain that to precisely quantify your response timeframe to set reasonable expectations.
11. Buyer Service Voicemail Script
“Hello, you’ve got reached customer support at [company]. Sadly, we’re at the moment unavailable. However we wish to assist — so please depart your identify and quantity, in addition to your cause for calling, and somebody will name again ASAP.”
If many purchasers are calling your customer support division, it‘s attainable you would possibly miss just a few calls. (That is particularly seemingly in the event you don’t have a name middle or name middle software program.) This voicemail script is right for catching the few prospects who would possibly miss your workforce.
Professional tip: When somebody reaches out to customer support, they’re already having a difficulty together with your product. That implies that a optimistic tone issues in your customer support voicemail message and will help thwart frustration.
12. Enterprise Hours Voicemail Message
“Hello, you’ve got reached [company]. We’re out there by telephone from [hour] to [hour] [time zone] Monday by means of Friday [optional: and from hour to hour on the weekends]. You too can contact us by going to our web site, [URL], and dwell chatting or emailing us. If you would like us to name you again, please depart your identify and quantity after the tone.”
You will get forward of incessantly requested questions, comparable to these about your small business hours and web site, by together with that info in your voicemail greeting, like within the instance above. This script additionally supplies another mode of communication on your workforce.
Professional tip: Body your various contact info as a comfort that is designed to assist the caller get what they want extra shortly.
13. “For Extra Info” Voicemail Script
“Hey, you’ve got reached [company]. In case you’re in search of info on [X], please try our [Facebook page, company website, etc.] If you wish to know extra about [Y], check out [Z page on our site, our YouTube channel, etc.]. Nonetheless have extra questions or simply wish to chat with our workforce? Depart your identify and quantity, and we’ll return your name right away.”
Just like the earlier instance, this voicemail greeting provides the listener a number of items of data which are usually requested out of your workforce. That not solely saves you time but in addition makes for a extra comfy and seamless expertise on your callers.
Professional tip: Social platforms come and go; keep in mind to revisit this voicemail recording each few months to be sure to’re not sending callers to an deserted profile.
14. Gross sales Group Voicemail Greeting
“Hey, you’ve got reached the Gross sales Division at [Company name]. All of our representatives are at the moment serving to purchasers [insert goal such as, ‘achieve 40% growth through streamlining HR operations’] and are unable to take your name. Please depart your identify, firm, and telephone quantity, and we’ll provide you with a name again ASAP. Thanks!”
I like this gross sales workforce voicemail script for 2 causes: It as soon as once more repeats the corporate’s worth proposition, and it implies the workforce is busy with different purchasers, signaling that the product is coveted.
Professional Tip: That is enjoyable, memorable, and filled with character, so ensure that your tone matches. At Dunder Mifflin, you’d need Jim Halpert recording this message and never Dwight Schrute (and NEVER Toby).
Humorous Voicemail Greetings
A phrase of warning: These greetings won’t do you any favors in the event you‘re within the midst of a job hunt or work in a conservative business. At all times keep in mind your goal personas. If there’s an opportunity they will not recognize your humorousness, go for an easy greeting as a substitute.
15. James Bond Humorous Voicemail Greeting
“That is Bond. James Bond. Okay, it is actually [your last name]. [Your first name] [your last name]. I am going to get again to you as quickly as I am accomplished serving to M16 save the world — which is able to most likely be tomorrow on the newest. Have a great day.”
This one is self-explanatory — adapt James Bond‘s well-known greeting on your personal use, and also you’ve acquired a captivating voicemail message that may get no less than a smile out of your caller.
Professional tip: Select a humorous voicemail message correctly. In case you usually get emergency calls, the panicked individual on the opposite finish may not recognize a whimsical recording.
16. Harry Potter Humorous Voicemail Script
“Hmm. Gryffindor … No, Ravenclaw. Sure, you positively belong in Ravenclaw. *Pause.* Okay, you have not reached the Sorting Hat — it is the voicemail of [your name]. Please depart your identify and quantity (and only for enjoyable, the Harry Potter home you suppose you belong in), and I am going to return your name as quickly as attainable.”
Beneficial for Millennials and older Gen Zs, this voicemail script references some of the beloved younger grownup sequence of all time. Plus, you are sure to get some attention-grabbing solutions out of your callers.
I would not suggest this one in the event you primarily work together with older and youthful generations who could not perceive this reference.
Professional tip: Decide to the whimsy of this voicemail message and ensure it does not unintentionally come throughout as monotone.
17. Rooster-and-Egg Humorous Voicemail Message
“Hey! You’ve got gotten the voicemail of [your name]. Depart your identify, contact information, and the reply to the everlasting query: ‘Which got here first, the hen or the egg?’ Anybody who will get it proper will obtain a name again.”
This cute voicemail greeting asks a traditional query for listeners to reply: “Which got here first, the hen or the egg?’ You could not get passable solutions — or, alternatively, chances are you’ll get a protracted and elaborate rationalization. Keep ready.
Professional tip: A message like this works finest when your callers know you already. In case you principally take care of chilly callers, one thing extra easy will probably be extra approachable.
Trip Voicemail Greetings
Out of city? Your callers ought to know. Allow them to know with the next trip voicemail greetings.
18. Traditional Trip Voicemail Greeting
“Hello, you’ve got reached [your name]. I am away from 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z to 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z. In case you need assistance with [X] earlier than then, please contact [name] at [phone number]. Everybody else, please depart your identify and quantity, and I am going to return your name after I return. Thanks, and have an excellent day.”
There‘s nothing fallacious with conserving it easy. This voicemail greeting template could be adjusted for any form of skilled — even in the event you’re in a extra “informal” atmosphere, comparable to a startup.
Professional tip: A short message makes folks really feel such as you worth their time, so do not be afraid to be concise.
19. Adventurous Trip Voicemail Message
“Hey, you’ve got reached [your name]. I am at the moment [exploring Asia, hiking through the jungle in Costa Rica, hanging out on the beach in Bermuda] — or extra seemingly, [recovering from extreme jet lag, googling ‘Are red spiders poisonous,’ or looking for SPF 150 sunscreen] and will not be again within the workplace till 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z. Depart your contact information and cause for calling, and I am going to get in contact then.”
If you would like to inject a little bit of humor into your trip voicemail message, you may customise the instance above for that goal. Share your adventures with the listener, and make sure you embody your return date.
Professional tip: A bit of character goes a good distance with purchasers and prospects; Do not be afraid to point out it in a voicemail recording!
20. Brief Trip Voicemail Script
“Hey there, that is [your name] from [your company]. I am out of the workplace till 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z. Within the meantime, please direct your inquiries to [coworker’s name] at [email address]. They can be reached at [phone number]. Thanks.”
This trip voicemail message hits all the best notes: It introduces you, states your trip dates, and supplies an alternate level of contact (with two methods of reaching out!). Easy, simple, and well mannered.
Professional tip: Providing a number of types of contact info on your colleague provides further worth to the caller.
Vacation Voicemail Greetings
Nobody ought to be calling in the course of the holidays, and but some folks do. If you’re out for the vacations, create a voicemail greeting that communicates the cheerfulness of the season whereas nonetheless staying skilled.
21. Workplace-Large Vacation Voicemail Script
“Hey, you’ve got reached [your name, the office of X company]. The workforce is at the moment out of the workplace, however we’ll be again on 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z full of good meals and keen to talk with you. Depart your identify, quantity, and — in the event you’re so inclined — your favourite [holiday dish, Thanksgiving tradition, etc.].”
This pleasant office-wide voicemail script not solely informs your listeners if you plan to return but in addition consists of house for a holiday-specific immediate. A voicemail greeting can really feel impersonal, however this one fosters some connection.
Professional tip: This heat and pleasant greeting is finest used for non-religious holidays in order that the festive angle applies to all callers.
22. Private Vacation Voicemail Greeting
“Hello, you’ve got reached [your name, the office of X company]. We’re closed till 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z. Please depart your identify and telephone quantity, and somebody will return your name ASAP. Have an excellent [New Year’s, Fourth of July, etc.].” methodology
Need to hold it transient? This particular person voicemail greening can be utilized for both the front-desk consultant at your organization or on your work telephone. I particularly just like the sign-off, which needs the listener a cheerful vacation.
Professional tip: Don‘t really feel obliged to apologize or provide an emergency contact channel. Holidays aren’t a shock, and nobody‘s entitled to entry you whilst you’re celebrating.
23. Emergency Contact Voicemail Message
“Blissful holidays! [I’m, the team at X company is] away till 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z. We’ll ensure to name you again right away once we return. In case your request is pressing, electronic mail [emergency contact] at [email address]. Thanks, and have an exquisite day.”
Generally, you would possibly wish to present a contact for callers to succeed in out to in case of an emergency. This voicemail script consists of house to do exactly that and is courteous and pleasant, too. This transient recording will assist these leaving vital voicemail messages really feel comforted and know how one can get quick help.
Professional tip: Contemplating the headspace somebody may be in after they’re having an emergency, keep in mind to maintain a useful and caring tone with this recording.
24. Easy Vacation Voicemail Greeting
“Thanks for calling [company]. We’re closed for [holiday] from 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z till 2024-04-17T12:00:00Z. Please depart your message, and we’ll get again to you as quickly as attainable. Have a cheerful vacation season!”
Need to hold it easy? This voicemail greeting script thanks the caller, informs them when the workplace will probably be closed, and desires the listener a cheerful vacation. Cannot get a lot less complicated than that.
Professional tip: This common vacation greeting is nice for non secular celebrations which may not be shared by all callers.
25. One-Day Vacation Voicemail Message
“Hey! Thanks for reaching out to [company]. We’re closed as we speak for the vacation and can reopen tomorrow. In case you depart your identify, quantity, and a short message, we’ll provide you with a name once we’re again within the workplace. Thanks once more, and have an excellent day.”
Is your whole firm or workforce taking a single break day for a vacation? This voicemail greeting script is ideal for one-offs comparable to Fourth of July, Memorial Day, or MLK Day.
Professional tip: Do not skip this recording! It might be tempting to skip customizing your voicemail for simply someday, however purchasers and prospects will discover your consideration to element and recognize your clear communication.
Recording My Personal Voicemail
It‘s time for me to create my very own enterprise voicemail message! I’m pulling inspiration from these voicemail greeting examples and customizing my message to talk to:
- Time zone frustrations. I am a digital nomad and am usually in several time zones than my purchasers, so I want to deal with this in my message to keep away from frustrations.
- Motive for unavailability. As a full-time traveler, I don‘t maintain regular workplace hours — however I don’t must remind purchasers of that. I saved my cause for my unavailability deliberately obscure.
- The wants of my purchasers. My purchasers are seemingly calling me to speak a few undertaking, so I want them to really feel supported and like I am accessible to them.
- Different type of follow-up. Telephone calls are not often probably the most handy type of communication for me, so I wish to ensure I deliver up various communication as a type of comfort for them as properly.
My Skilled Voicemail Greeting
This is the template that I created:
Hey there, you‘ve reached [name] at [company name]. I’m at the moment away from my telephone, so please let me know why you‘re calling and the way I will help you. In case you’ve modified time zones not too long ago, please let me know in order that I don‘t unintentionally name you after enterprise hours. I’m [X] hours forward of [company time zone].
If it spares a few of your time, I’ll reply with [alternative communication channels] until you particularly wish to join on the telephone, by which case simply point out that, and I am going to make it occur. Thanks, and I hope you’ve a cheerful day!
And this is the way it all got here collectively in my skilled voicemail greeting:
Hey there, you‘ve reached Kayla at Writing From Nowhere. I’m at the moment away from my telephone, so please let me know why you‘re calling and the way I will help you. In case you’ve modified time zones not too long ago, please let me know in order that I don‘t unintentionally name you after enterprise hours. I’m 6 hours forward of Japanese Normal Time.
If it spares a few of your time, I’ll reply with an electronic mail, voice observe, or Loom until you particularly wish to join on the telephone, by which case, simply point out that, and I am going to make it occur. Thanks, and I hope you’ve a cheerful day!
I went right into a quiet room with no background noise, and after I recorded, I performed the recording again and re-recorded it till it sounded good.
Create a Skilled Voicemail Greeting that Retains the Dialog Going
Did these skilled voicemail greeting examples encourage you to mud off your personal voicemail greeting and replace it?
Making a voicemail greeting may not be enjoyable, however with the scripts I‘ve shared, it is best to have a better time. No must follow time and time once more — merely plug in your identify, firm title, and different particulars, then learn it out loud to your telephone’s voicemail greeting recorder. With an expert greeting, you‘ll proceed nurturing prospects even in the event you don’t choose up the telephone.
Editor’s observe: This publish was initially revealed in February 2018 and has been up to date for comprehensiveness.