
10 Ways To Make Money While Traveling


When you close your eyes you can just picture it. Azure-hued waters as far as the eye can see. Birds calling in the wild. The sound of waves gently caressing a sugary-sanded shore. The sun warming your face. Pure bliss. An escape. A tropical paradise that melts all the cares of your world away. You can almost taste it, right?

Most trips like this are short-lived. We never get to spend extended periods in remote destinations. Yet, some can do this with ease. They can make money while traveling the world and not worry about rushing back to a soul-zapping 9-to-5 job. The question is how do you do it? How can you earn money without trading your time and your presence for an income that lets you barely scrape by in life?

Obligations and commitments often keep us stuck in one geographic location or another. From children’s school lives to family obligations, and work, it’s not always about throwing caution to the wind and backpacking through remote far-off destinations. But what if you could do it? What if you could make money and still get to travel around the world? How would that change the game for you?

How To Make Money While Traveling

There is a select group of people who can live, work and travel at will. They can visit foreign countries and bask on a remote beach somewhere in the tropics. And they can do it while earning an income. They’ve designed their lives and their income on a foundation of freedom. That freedom comes from the money they can make while traveling the world.

However, when you take a step back to dissect this it’s not as complicated as many make it out to be. To make money while traveling you must understand the intersection between time and money. Yes, there are many ways to make money online. But many of those ways require your attention and time. Can you do it while traveling?

The truth is this. Traveling is only as good as the enjoyment you get from it. If you’re constantly racing against deadlines to submit work will you actually enjoy your time? Maybe. Maybe not. The best way to make money while traveling is to focus on passive income methods that pay you around the clock. That doesn’t mean you can’t diversify. You can still do other things to make money while you’re on the road.

#1—Sales Funnels

The best way to make money hands down is to understand the concept of sales funnels. Sales funnels are like magic little money-making machines. They’re like virtual ATMs. Once you understand what they are and harness the power of sales funnels, everything changes. If you’ve never heard of a sales funnel let me break this down for you.

When most people think of sales funnels they think about websites. But funnels and websites are different. They’re not the same. Aside from both being virtual destinations on the internet, they both behave differently. Sales funnels are focused on one distinct objective. Meaning that you can do one thing when you visit a sales funnel.

Websites offer multiple options. Not sales funnels. That’s why sales funnels are so powerful. So how do you make money with sales funnels? There are many ways. You can design sales funnel templates and sell them in our marketplace to generate passive income. Other businesses can commission you to build sales funnels for them. And the most powerful method is to create sales funnels to sell offers.


There are many ways you can tutor students from around the world. It doesn’t require you to prepare gigs or do any kind of freelancing. You’re not hustling to meet deadlines. All you need to do is show up and tutor students. If you’re fluent in multiple languages, you can teach a language. If you’re proficient in an on-demand skill, teach that. Maybe you know how to play an instrument and can teach that.

There are several sites devoted to online tutoring. All you need to do is pick one and show up. You’ll need a decent internet connection to do this but you can be anywhere. Some timezones can make it challenging to tutor others but if you can overcome that hurdle, the rest is fairly easy. Two popular sites for online tutoring are Tutor and Varsity Tutors.

Most sites that offer online tutoring pair the students with the teachers. Meaning that you don’t have to find the work yourself. But some sites do require you to hustle and find the work and it is competitive. You have to ensure solid feedback and glowing reviews if you want to have a steady stream of tutoring work coming in.


YouTube is a great way to earn passive income. It allows you to travel and make money through ads served on your videos. YouTube has some aggressive CPMs when it comes to ads. CPM stands for cost per thousand impressions. An impression simply means every time your ad was served. Typically YouTube CPM numbers range from $2 to $10 in the US. On the low side that would be $2 for every 1,000 views of your YouTube video.

That means you need viral videos with lots of views to make good money. However, think about it this way. Even at a $2 CPM, a video with one million views would earn $2,000. That’s a respectable amount of money. Can you do this while traveling? Yes. You can. Especially if your YouTube video is based on traveling. Keep in mind that YouTube CPMs will also vary from country to country.

To start making money on YouTube you also have to meet certain requirements that include total time watched and total subscribers. Those totals are based on certain periods. However, it takes time to start making money with YouTube. Don’t expect this to happen quickly. It requires consistent uploading of content that’s engaging and entertaining.

#4—Day Trading

Day trading is not for the faint of heart. It requires patience and skill. You need to know when to execute trades to optimize your profit potential. This is not an easy way to make money. And it shouldn’t be the default method you try as a complete beginner. Meaning that you can’t rely on this for consistent income until you’ve been in the trenches for years.

However, day trading does give you the flexibility to earn money while traveling the world. It also means you’re not tied to one geographic location because your work is online. As long as you have a strong internet connection, you can make money doing this. Plus, you can trade many things. You can trade options, stocks, commodities, crypto, and more.

Find a good day trading course and use a demo or simulator account before you start trading with real money. There are many great trading courses out there. Find the one that’s right for you. Day trading is about practicality and analysis. If you’re overly emotional or erratic, you might find day trading to be difficult.

#5—Social Media

There are many ways to make money through social media. First, you must already be on social media or have some following. This requires posting consistently to build an audience. Your videos must be interesting and engaging. If you have a big enough following, you can get paid to be an influencer. Brands will pay you to promote their products on your social media posts.

However, you don’t need to be an influencer to make money on social media. All you need to do is reach out to businesses and offer to help them make more money by growing their social channels. This is called social media management and you can create an agency devoted to helping small businesses grow on social media.

Social media has the power to make and destroy companies in an instant. However, no one will hire you without a professional profile. Create a “link in bio” funnel (also called a hero funnel) to promote your services. The hero funnel should be a lead generation funnel with a lead magnet. That lead magnet must be so good that you’ll feel weird about giving it away for free. Once you have leads, you can convert them into paying customers using email marketing or close the deal on a phone.


Online courses have the power to make you money while traveling because they are a great source of passive income. Once you create your online course and build out a system for marketing and promoting it, you’ve done the hard part. Yes, it’s difficult to create an online course that people love. But if you focus on solving one big problem your prospects are facing, it could be the answer to all your money problems.

Building an online course is simple when you use our software. We give you the powerful tools you need to build your online course using premade templates and a drag-and-drop editor. That takes all of the technical guesswork out of the creation of the system that runs in the background. Plus, we make it simple to upload your content and connect a payment provider to your course.

However, there are other ways to create online courses. You can build out online courses through platforms like Udemy, Teachable and many others. There are so many platforms that are dedicated to online learning because it’s a massive industry. So many people want to acquire the skills needed to make money online but don’t know where to turn. That’s where you come in.

#7—Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is the art of promoting products and services for other companies and getting paid to do it. This relies on tracking clicks and purchases through your affiliate links. Can you make money with affiliate marketing while traveling? Yes, you can. However, you will need some sort of existing audience to do this without spending a lot of money on the front end.

You should consider marketing as an affiliate if you have an existing audience. For example, if you have an established email list you can promote affiliate offers through your email list. If you have an existing YouTube audience, you can promote them with ads on your channel or sponsorships. If you have a social media following on TikTok, Instagram or other places, you can promote your affiliate links there.

However, you should never push people directly to an affiliate link without first getting them onto your email list. To do that you need something called a bridge funnel. A bridge funnel allows you to collect a person’s contact information before pushing them to the affiliate offer. This way, they don’t disappear forever. By getting them on your list, you can continue to communicate with them to sell them other things.


Blogging is a great (but slow way) to make money. It’s a powerful source of passive income because you can promote many things on your blog. However, you need a serious amount of traffic to make this worthwhile at all. And traffic is not easy to create. There’s just so much competition out there that you have to set yourself apart from the herd to make a real dent in traffic.

To make money as a blogger you have to understand the mechanics of SEO and be a great writer. That combination is hard to come by. However, you don’t need to start a personal blog to make money doing this. Although most people instantly turn to a platform like WordPress, you can blog on platforms like Medium and many others. Medium allows you to make money from your posts without creating an entire blog platform yourself.

Medium is widely adopted. However, to have full creative freedom and use affiliate links to promote products and services you believe in, building a personal blog is the way to go. Keep in mind that this is also one of the slowest ways to make money. It takes a long time of chipping at this to make real progress. But it is worthwhile once traffic accelerates.

#9—IRL Streaming

IRL stands for In Real Life. IRL streaming is a popular niche being used by creators to make money. IRL means that you’re live streaming whatever you’re doing throughout the day. It could mean that you stream for hours on end. This relies on getting consistent people to watch your streams and interact with you. To do that you must be entertaining.

If you have a penchant to entertain people and you enjoy streaming, this could be for you. There are many platforms you can stream on. The most popular ones are Kick and Twitch. You’ll need a solid internet connection to stream and a lot of data if you’re IRL streaming while you’re away from your main computer at home.

Some IRL streamers like Adin Ross are making a lot of money. That doesn’t mean you will. It will take time to build up your audience. But this is something you can start doing today and eventually have the freedom and income you need to travel the world without rushing back to a job or worrying about making enough money.


Print-on-demand (POD) is a popular niche used by creators to generate sales for products they never have to create, store or ship, ever. POD relies on creating graphics used in printed apparel, mugs, and more. All you have to do is create the digital image and upload it to the POD platform of your choice. From there, you need to market and promote those products.

Most POD platforms integrate with popular software platforms like Shopify, Amazon and Etsy. It’s not complicated to link everything together. The only hard part is getting the word out to ensure you sell products. This is used heavily by popular creators on YouTube and TikTok to make money. That’s because they don’t have to deal with the product creation at all.

There are two popular POD platforms right now. The first is Printful. The other is Printify. Both of them are simple and easy to use and it boils down to personal preference. You can also test out both for user experience, ship times, payment schedules and more. They really do make it simple and generate an income online.


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