
10 Ways To Make Money Using Landing Pages


Words have power. They carry real weight. When used in the right ways, words can unify. They can bring peace. But they can also start altercations and wars. In business, words can accelerate growth, spark innovation, and usher in the dawn of a new era in sales. Words are used to communicate and convey powerful concepts and ideas. And the right words used at the right time can help scale a company into the stratosphere.

Yes. Words have real power. But many fail to use words in the right way. Especially in business. They fail to construct and configure words to help prospects learn, feel and do. They fail to use words to invoke emotion and build rapport. After all, that’s the basis for business growth. And words can fuel that fire. Words can make us money from landing pages, emails, and sales funnels. They can help us construct and concoct business plans, strategies and tactics.

It’s clear that the words you choose are everything. So you must choose them wisely. Words are the basis for everything because they stem from our thoughts. This illusory world we live in was constructed by the thoughts that produced the words that compelled the deeds of billions of men and women. How do you choose your words? Do you choose them wisely? Do you use the right words on the right landing pages? And do those words help you make money? Or do they lead to failure and upset?

How To Make Money Using Landing Pages

If you’re serious about making money then choose the right words. Construct the right words on the right landing pages. After all, landing pages are at the heart of every lead generation funnel or sales funnel in business. And to make money you must use those landing pages the right way. You must use the words on those pages to magnetize and attract prospects rather than repel them away.

This isn’t rocket science. People have used landing pages to make money for ages now. But it wasn’t always in the digital realm. Landing pages were once called sales letters. You received them in the mail. They were filled with expertly-crafted content that compelled you to take action. And the best copywriters in the world knew how to get people to take real action just by using the right words at the right time.

So if you want to make money online or offline learn how to wield your words. After all, words can be as sharp as a Samurai’s blade. They can cut like a knife. Words can slice through limiting beliefs and get prospects to stand up and pay attention. They can propel awareness and generate interest in anything that you’re selling. It doesn’t matter whether you sell a product, a service or information, the words you use are everything.

What Is A Landing Page?

Before you can make money with landing pages you must understand what they are. In our digital world, a landing page is an online destination. It’s a place a prospect goes or visits. They “land” on this page by clicking a link or typing in a domain address. They often feature a headline, an image, a description and a call to action. Landing pages have purpose and focus. After all, they’re part of sales funnels. And sales funnels offer a direct path forward. And they do that through highly intentional landing pages.

Most people think that landing pages are websites. But they’re not. Landing pages are different. They’re more direct. Landing pages are designed with one path in mind. Expertly crafted landing pages use the right words to compel action. And the best copywriters know how to craft landing pages designed to speak directly to the prospect and their pain. They know how to position that landing page to help alleviate or solve that pain.

Look, landing pages can appear in many shapes and forms. But the important thing to note is this. You can make money using landing pages inside of marketing funnels. Marketing funnels can be used to make money in a million different ways. But only when they’re constructed the right way with the right words.

How To Build A Landing Page

Landing pages are built using landing page builders. You can use premade templates and a drag-and-drop editor to create a landing page. And you can design it for any intended purpose. Most landing pages are either designed to generate leads or make sales. But there are other landing page types. It doesn’t matter the intended purpose of it. What matters is that you build that landing page to optimize conversions.

After all, at the end of the day it’s all about conversions. And to get your landing page to convert you must understand the prospect and their problem. After that, it’s all about the copywriting and the offer. If it’s a solid offer that’s too good to pass up people will go for it. The right offer to the right audience at the right time is key.

The best part about landing page builders like this one is that you don’t need to code. There are no web development skills required. It’s a simple interface. What you do need to know is how to actually design that landing page the right way to maximize conversions. That’s because when you maximize conversions you’ll maximize the amount of money you can make.

1—Lead Generation Business

Leads are at the heart of every business. And the ability to generate leads can make you a lot of money. Especially in certain industries. The truth is that some companies are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a single qualified lead. And if you know how to generate leads effectively you could make a ton of money very fast.

To generate leads you need the right landing page. That landing page has to be designed and written with the right words targeting the right problem. After all, most landing pages are designed to convert cold traffic audiences. Cold traffic audiences by definition are problem-aware. The better you understand the audience and their problem the more likely your landing page is to convert.

Businesses will gladly pay you to generate leads for them. That’s one way you can make money with landing pages. This is called a lead generation business. Leads are valuable to businesses and it’s not always simple to generate leads. You must have an effective lead generation offer such as a lead magnet. Lead magnets come in many forms but they must be designed and created the right way.

2—Affiliate Marketing

In affiliate marketing landing pages are used to make money by implementing bridge pages. Bridge pages help connect an affiliate offer to your email list. You should never blindly forward someone to an affiliate offer. After all, it takes time, money and effort to promote affiliate links. Instead, you should implement a bridge page. A bridge page allows you to secure that prospect’s details before forwarding them to the affiliate offer.

Why is a bridge page so important? Without a bridge page you might never see that prospect again. They could click the link then disappear forever. And all that hard work went to waste. Instead, when you use a bridge page, that prospect enters your world. And you can market to them in the future. And you can share stories that build rapport.

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways that you can make money online. You don’t need a product or service to sell. All you’re doing is helping another business sell their products and services. This allows you to grow and scale fast. That’s because there are no employees to manage, no inventory, and no customer service.

3—Real Estate Business

You can use landing pages to make money in the real estate business. One way to do this is to design a landing page to attract seller leads. If you’re a real estate agent your landing page could target local homeowners in the area looking to sell their property. Make sure the words on your landing page are geared toward this individual and the problem they’re facing. The better your words the more likely you’ll secure that seller contract.

Another way to use landing pages in real estate is to use it to find prospective home buyers. You can create an expertly crafted landing page with a lead magnet designed specifically for buyers in your area. Understand the prospect and their pain to create something enticing. This allows you to magnetize prospects instead of chasing or hounding them.

You can also make money in real estate related services. For example, you can use landing pages to make money with mortgages. You can also use it to make money with home insurance, home warranties, landscaping, and more. All you need to do is understand the prospect and their problem. Then, simply create a landing page designed to present a solution to solve that problem.

4—Membership Sites

Membership sites offer great opportunities to make money. They also offer recurring revenue. That means people are paying month after month for access to that membership site. What kind of membership site should you launch? There are many ideas that work. It all depends on the level of effort you want to put in. The content needs to be good if you want people to continue paying for the service month after month.

You can create a membership site in any niche. If you’re in the health niche you can create a site about diet and fitness. Maybe you’re in the real estate niche and you want to create a site about wholesaling real estate or finding cash buyers. If you’re in the relationship niche you can create a membership site around dating advice. And so on.

To build a membership site you can use our membership site builder. No web development or coding skills are required. You’ll use premade templates with a drag-and-drop editor. It’s simple and effective. All you need is to build out the membership site content, connect it to your email provider, set up a payment processor, and you’re off to the races.

5—Online Courses

Online courses are a powerful way to make money. You can use them to share your expertise and wisdom with large groups of people from all over the world. Online courses give you the freedom to live and work from anywhere. You could be sitting on a remote golden-sanded beach somewhere in the Tropics. You can also be in an igloo in Antarctica watching the Northern Lights in the evening. It doesn’t matter where you are as long as you have an internet connection.

To get people to sign up for your online course you could use a platform like Udemy or Teachable. Those platforms will do much of the marketing for you. But if you really want to make a lot of money then you can build the course using an online course builder. And at the front of that course should be a landing page. The landing page should be designed the right way to get people to sign up for your online course.

Online courses can help you create passive income. That means you can make money while you sleep with an online course. It’s not guaranteed. But it is possible. And the stronger your landing page is the more likely you’ll get people to sign up. If you want to build an online course, you should certainly build it yourself using premade templates and a drag-and-drop editor. You can start here.


Applications are used in a wide variety of cases. And application funnels allow you to take applications for things like coaching, consulting and masterminds. Every application funnel has a landing page at the front of it. The landing page is typically a reverse squeeze page that delivers some form of value first before asking for contact information. Once a person fills out the contact form they are then forwarded to the actual application.

Applications allow you to turn the tables on a prospect, forcing them to pre-qualify or vet themselves. They have to answer questions that you propose so that they can join or buy whatever service you’re selling. It’s a great way to take the sales pressure off you and make the prospect qualify themselves as a right fit.

Many benefits exist for running applications. It’s also a great way to create scarcity by informing prospects that there are only a limited number of spots. It also helps you weed through candidates to see which ones would be a great fit and which ones would not be. If you want to build an application funnel, you can do it here.

7—Vacation Rentals

Landing pages are used in many cases for vacation rentals. We’re not talking about an Airbnb listing here. We’re talking about a more advanced approach to vacation rentals. When you build a funnel for a vacation rental you’re taking a lead generation offer approach. Find out what problem most travelers that fit the home struggle with. Then create a valuable lead magnet to help solve that problem.

For example, people struggle to know whether an area is safe. They also want to understand an area from a local’s perspective. Is it okay to take taxis? Are Ubers available? What parts should you not visit at night? What about restaurants or water safety? There are many different problems people struggle with. You have to figure out what they are and find a way to address them.

When you take this approach you’re leveraging powerful online marketing principles to rent out that home. You can even build a standalone site for the vacation rental. You’ll save the fees you’d pay on a vacation rental platform. You can also manage vacation rentals for others and build out an entire ecosystem of landing pages.

8—Sales Letters

Sales letters are highly effective tools for making money. The best sales letters can sell a product or service with ease. These are extremely useful landing pages when they’re well-written. If you don’t know how to write a sales letter, it’s a useful skill to have. But don’t try to learn it if you’re not good at writing. Leave it to the pros. That’s because there’s so much to learn and understand to write an effective sales letter. It takes years of copywriting experience.

However, when you take a step back and look at it the sales letter is a powerful tool. These are often long letters designed to create extreme desire in the prospect to buy. That happens by using certain frameworks like the Pain-Agitation-Solution (PAS) framework. The PAS framework calls out the pain, the agitates it before offering a solution. But that summary doesn’t do it justice. It takes a great deal of effort to craft a great sales letter.

Sales letters can also be converted into video sales letters (VSLs). Some people like to consume content in video format. Others like written words. That’s why some marketers like to combine both on the same landing page. They’ll place the video at the top and then transcribe that video into the sales letter. That gives them the best of both worlds. You can see an example of that here.


Webinars are presentations that can span anywhere from 90 minutes to 2 hours or more. Webinars allow you to sell high-ticket products and services much easier than traditional approaches. Why? That’s because webinars are designed to help eliminate false beliefs the prospect holds. Those false beliefs hold them back from buying whatever it is that you’re peddling.

When you create a landing page for a webinar you’re usually starting with the webinar registration page. That’s the page where you create curiosity and entice people to go further and sign up to watch the presentation. The headline is very important. So is the image. The entire goal of this landing page is to get people to take the next step. That’s because once they watch the webinar they are far more likely to purchase the thing that you’re selling.

Webinars work by helping eliminate three types of false beliefs. You use stories to help break these false beliefs. The first false belief revolves around the vehicle or the thing you’re selling. Whatever that is. The second is the internal beliefs. Maybe the thing works but the prospect isn’t capable of pulling it off. And the third is the external false beliefs. Those usually relate to time and money.

10—Social Media

You can make money in social media by using a specific type of landing page. That landing page is called a hero page. A hero page is designed to convert people who visit your social media profiles into actual contacts on your email list. Once they’re on your email list, you can share stories and build rapport. You can also sell them products, services, coaching, affiliate offers, and anything else.

Social media is a powerful medium. But it does require you to build an audience. Once built you can leverage that audience many ways. One of those ways is to place a link to your hero page. Your hero page is a page about you that allows people to connect with you on a deeper level. You can offer a lead magnet in exchange for their contact details or simply allows them to join your list.

Hero pages help convert traffic that you have zero control over into traffic that you now own. And the goal of marketing should always be to grow your list. Without growing your list you’re relying on other platforms for your audience. If those platforms disappear overnight, or you somehow get banned, you’ll lose all access to that audience. And you certainly don’t want that.


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