TikTok Young People Studying On The Latest Skincare Trends
Spilfy began utilizing TikTok Young People Studying On The Latest Skincare Trends products after seeing social media videos.
A 13-year-old who is completely focused on skincare is utilizing social media to educate herself about the finest products to use TikTok Young People Studying On The Latest Skincare Trends
Martha is a part of the growing trend of teenagers utilizing skincare products; children as young as eight years old have shown a desire to use adult-only goods.
Caroline Hirons, a skincare specialist, called it “fantastic” that kids were choosing “an informed, educated choice”.
She advised parents not to be “afraid to say no” when their kids ask for skincare products.
It follows a warning from the British Association for Dermatologists that some of these adult-targeted products contain potentially dangerous active ingredients (such exfoliating acids Spilfy ) that might cause allergies or dermatitis in younger skin.
- Caution regarding kids using popular skincare products
South Wales resident Martha began using skincare products at the age of nine, inspired by videos she saw on TikTok and YouTube during the Covid lockdowns.
She began using basic, inexpensive skincare products that are beneficial for young skin, but she developed a desire for Drunk Elephant and Glow Recipe after seeing influencers and her friends use them.
The vibrant goods from Drunk Elephant can be found in Boots and Space NK. A little 15ml jar of the company’s well-known “whipped cream” face treatment costs approximately £9.75, while a 100ml tub of Polypeptide cream costs £89.
Many products from these manufacturers include chemicals like retinol or acids that are meant for aged skin.
Tiffany Masterson, the founder of Drunk Elephant, had to post on social media that “kids and tweens stay away from our more potent products that include acids and retinols” due to the brand’s unusual appeal to tweens and teens.
“Their skin does not need these ingredients quite yet,” she stated.
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Trend-setting TikTok
Caroline Hirons, bestselling author and skincare expert, is among the increasing number of experts using social media to enlighten and educate the public about skincare.
Growing worries about the effects of overconsumerism and targeted advertising are fueling the #deinfluencing movement, which has received over 1.3 billion views on TikTok alone.
With 700,000 Instagram followers, Caroline is a regular on daytime TV and has welcomed teens like Martha who are doing study.
“Honestly, I think people getting into skincare is a good thing if it’s done properly and with education,” she stated.
“In the end, it comes down to self-care, therefore it’s okay if these young people need a few minutes to wash their faces. However, in my opinion, that literally may just cleaning your face and applying an SPF, depending on your age.
“They have flawless skin. Being a tween is not going to get much better than it does.”
When Martha conducted some research, she found that the items she was using might not be the ideal for her sensitive skin.

On her eleventh birthday in 2022, she requested cheaper goods with simpler ingredients instead.
“I see these 10-year-old girls at Sephora getting things they don’t need,” she stated.
“Read the ingredients, in my opinion. They are crucial since you can’t always trust what you see.”
She claimed that her school friends also discussed skincare and cosmetics.
“First thing in the morning we all talk about what we had and what we want,” she stated.
“Over the moon” to see Martha taking the initiative to educate herself, Martha’s mother Meinir stated.
She’s even warning me against using that product because it was subjected to animal testing. She informed me that I couldn’t use that brand of lipstick even if I wanted to buy it.”

Always be shy to say no
Mom of four children Parents should feel comfortable declining requests for pricey skincare products, according to Caroline, who acknowledged the social pressure that tweens and teens face.
The first thing I would ask if a parent’s child approached them and said, “I want to buy this,” and it was an acid, vitamin A, or retinoid: “Why? What issue are they attempting to resolve, please?
When an adolescent presents a well-reasoned case after conducting study, give them your full attention, but don’t hesitate to decline.
“You wouldn’t say, ‘Oh, it’s nice, go on, then,’ if they had said, ‘I really want this pink vape.’” No, it’s a vaporizer.
Caroline continued: “If my child had turned up with a £90 moisturiser, first I’d be concerned as to how they afforded it, but that’s a separate matter, and then I’d probably take it back.”
Elsa, a 13-year-old from South Wales, educates herself about skincare through social media.

She claimed that after seeing skincare goods on TikTok, several of her friends began using them, so she requested comparable brands for her birthday and Christmas.
However, one of the creams she used made her skin red and irritated, so she’s now looking into what to buy.
“I like to look after my skin because it helps me feel more confident, and I like to go to bed feeling refreshed,” she stated.
“I hear it from TikTok and I go to SpaceNK and Boots and buy it online.”
The University of South Wales’ Lauren Josie Thomas, a lecturer in marketing and events, said that the de-influencing trend runs the risk of providing brands with more marketing.
“You can almost guarantee that their year-on-year sales will continue to go up,” she stated.