‘Love Is Blind’ Sarah Ann Appears to Have Spoiled Jeramey Storyline
Jeramey Lutinski might have found a real connection on “Love Is Blind” … but, it doesn’t seem to be with the woman he proposed to — at least that’s what the internet thinks.
Here’s the deal … while still in the pods on this season of ‘LiB,’ Lutinski forged a connection with two women — Laura Dadisman and Sarah Ann. Ultimately, he chose to propose to Laura, and fans thought he and Sarah Ann were officially finito.

Fast forward to the latest episode of the Netflix show … when Laura confronted Jeramey for being out ‘til 5 AM. Jeramey tried to argue he only saw Sarah Ann at a bar … but Laura said she checked his location and he was nowhere near the bar.
Instead, he was hanging out way closer to Sarah Ann’s house … so, LD basically implied the two were doing a lot more than just having a drink at a bar together — something Jeramey denied on the show.
Fast-forward to Thursday … where, in real life, Sarah Ann posted to IG … laughing off accusations that she and Jeramey hooked up while he was engaged to Laura and saying the world will soon know the truth.
But, eagle-eyed fans may have already uncovered what they believe to be the truth of the matter … ’cause in another vid she posted, viewers noticed the tiniest sliver of a black and white picture hanging behind her in the clip.
Yes, it looks awfully familiar … especially to people who’ve been following along.
Indeed, the room Sarah Ann posted from online looks to have incredibly similar decorations to the ones hanging in Jeramey’s freakin’ house — something we’ve already seen on ‘LiB,’ as they’ve shown his room, and Laura in it … rolling around on his bed and being flirty.
Now, we don’t know for a fact that this is Jeramey’s house … but the similarities alone, combined with the recent bombshell allegations, make the whole thing seem pretty possible — if not likely.
Bottom line … people think Jeramey ended up with Sarah Ann after all — which, if true, would mean he’s about to break Laura’s heart on the show … which we’ll see soon enough.
Of course, Netflix is probably pissed about Sarah Ann spilling a potential spoiler, even inadvertently — they obviously want all this to be revealed on the finale (where they can snag eyeballs/ratings, etc.) but it looks like the contestants are screwing up by posting live!

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Safe to say … we’re all in for a big reunion episode. But, everything might already be out by then. Whoops! 😅