
12 Bible Verses For Nighttime Prayers


Use these Bible verses for nighttime prayers and go to God to help bring peace to your worries, calm your mind, and rest in your sleep for the evening.

Do you struggle to calm your mind and emotions down at night even though you are desperate to get a decent night’s rest?

It can be frustrating when you already have limited hours available to sleep and then your own body seems to be waging war on itself, preventing that calm and restful sleep that you need.

You are not alone in your battle. More than one-third of adults in the United States get less than the recommended amount of at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

However, it is not just physical factors that affect our ability to sleep. With more sleep medications available than ever before, we are still continuing to sleep fewer and fewer hours each night as a society.

But as most of us have experienced, there are mental, emotional, and spiritual factors that play a huge role in our ability to truly rest each night.

In the evening we often experience overwhelming anxieties and to-do lists that cycle over and over in our minds, which prevents us from being able to calm down and experience the rest we need.

But God knows that you need sleep to replenish, nourish, and refresh your body, mind, and soul and He longs to bless you with deep, reviving sleep that will empower you to live an abundant, joy-filled life.

Use these Bible verses to fuel your night prayers as you ask God to calm your worries, ease the burdens of your mind, and allow you to rest in safety and security as you prepare for a wonderful night’s sleep.

Bible Verses For Nighttime Prayers

12 Bible Verses For Nighttime Prayersyoung woman praying with hands clasped on a bible at night for 12 Bible Verses For Nighttime Prayer

1. Psalm 4:8 – Sleep in Peace

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for You alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:8

As you lie down at the end of a busy day, God will grant you a peace that lulls you to sleep. God allows His beloved children to rest knowing that He is guarding our souls in safety and security, allowing us to dwell in His warm embrace.

You can relax as He refreshes your soul and spirit with peace, protecting you from fears and uncertainties that threaten to steal your joy and well-being. Sleep well!

2. Psalm 121:3-4 – God Watches Over You as You Sleep

He will not let your foot slip— He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. Psalm 121:3-4

Sometimes as we try to calm down to allow our bodies to rest for the night, it is not just letting go of the stresses of the day that is a challenge but also letting go of the need to control each detail of our lives and those we love. However, it is important to remember that as much as we try to plan and prepare for the lives we live, it is truly the Lord who determines each one of our steps.

He is a good and loving God who has prepared a path for us that is for our good, blessing us with each step of our journey. And He will not let our feet slip as we walk along that path with Him. Though we may stumble, we will not fall because He is holding onto us and will not let us go.

Tonight rest with peace and comfort knowing that God does not rest as He watches over you, guides you, protects you, strengthens you, and keeps you on the right path. God does not take a break from being your God even as you sleep. He is still at work growing you, restoring you, refreshing you, calming your heart, pursuing you with His love, and lavishing you with His grace. 

God is always for you and is giving you a hope and a future even as you sleep. Trust Him to have your back and soothe your mind and soul as you sweetly rest in His arms. In the morning, you will have everything you need to take the next step along your journey.

3. Psalm 91:1-2 – Dwell in the Shelter of the Most High God

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” Psalm 91:1-2

God is our rock, our redeemer, our fortress, and our place of refuge. We live in a world full of chaos, stressful situations, and constant obstacles and attacks that we have to overcome. It often takes all the mental, emotional, and spiritual strength we have just to make it to the end of the day. But take heart because God has overcome the world.

He is our Almighty God who is stronger than every challenge we face and more than sufficient to provide everything we need in our lives. At the end of the day, we can surrender it all back into His hands and just dwell in the shelter that He provides for our minds and souls. 

Our God is so incredibly holy and majestic and glorious that merely His shadow provides all the refuge and protection we could possibly need or desire. He is hovering over us, promising His nearness and that He will never forsake His children whom He loves. All we have to do is surrender our longings to Him and allow Him to fight our battles for us as we rest in His promises of peace and security.

Let us trust in God as our refuge and fortress, allowing Him to refresh and revive our souls as we enjoy life-giving sleep and then awaken ready to give Him glory for the new day He has prepared for us.

4. John 14:27 – God Gives Us His Peace

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

One of the hardest parts about transitioning from our busy days to get some much-needed sleep is just allowing our minds to slow down and calming the emotions we feel. However, Jesus Christ promises us that He has given us His peace. The peace that God gives completely embraces us, wrapping us with His love and comfort, enfolding our spirit with His Presence.

This is not the kind of temporary peace the world promises as it tries to put a bandaid on our emotions by distracting us with other unhealthy habits. No, we can trust in the fullness and completeness of God’s peace as He takes away our worries and our fears, bearing our burdens and removing our troubles as we surrender our hearts to Him and accept His healing peace in return.

I love that right before Jesus gives us this profound promise about the peace He alone can provide, He tells us that He is leaving us with the Holy Spirit who will remind us of everything Jesus has spoken.

I think a big part of receiving God’s peace is asking His Spirit to remind us of the truths and promises He has declared over us. As we speak out a word of truth by recalling God’s Word or declaring His praises, His Spirit will engulf us with a profound sense of holy peace.

Let us embrace the peace of God in our lives which will open the door for us to receive the rest and rejuvenation we need. May you rest in God’s peace as you sleep tonight! 

5. Matthew 11:28-30 – Give Your Burdens to Christ

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

In this life, we are constantly facing situations that are creating stress in our lives and causing us to bear emotional burdens that weigh us down. Whether it is having to discipline a stubborn child, deal with an unexpected challenge at work, or encourage a good friend who is struggling with heavy personal issues, the difficulties of life take a toll on our emotional, physical, and spiritual strength.

Sometimes there is no specific adversity we are facing, but it is just challenging to balance the demands of taking care of a household, loving others well, and fulfilling the every day commitments we have in our lives. We get to the end of the day and we are completely exhausted and depleted. But there is hope! God promises to give us rest.

Allow Jesus to take your burdens upon His shoulders and allow Him to renew and revive your spirit as He relieves your heavy load with His gentle and humble heart. He longs to help you walk along your journey and promises to give you the rest you so desperately need. 

Allow God to strengthen and encourage you, speaking truth and life into your spirit so that you are ready to embrace what tomorrow holds. May your night be filled with restorative and reviving rest as you sleep soundly.

6. Psalm 3:5 – God Will Sustain You Through the Night

I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. Psalm 3:5

The psalmist records these simple words that promise that when we lie down at the end of the day, we will sleep. God has designed our bodies so that there is a time for fruitful living, but there is also a need for our bodies to sleep as our cells regenerate, our energy is replenished, and our brains slow down. Trust that God knows you need these things and that He will allow you to sleep as you lie down at night.

Not only does God give us the grace and peace we need to fall asleep at the end of the day, but He will sustain you through the night and also give you the strength to wake again. He creates each new day brimming with hope and opportunities for You to experience Him in amazing ways.

Therefore, as you wake again the next morning begin by thanking Him and rejoicing that His mercies are new and His love for you abounds, embracing the new adventures each day holds. 

Thank You, God, that You are our Sustainer and Provider!

7. Psalm 9:1-2 – I Will Give You Thanks

I will give thanks to You, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High. Psalm 9:1-2

One of the attitudes that Christians are continually invited to embrace as we aspire to live godly lives is that of thankfulness to God. Directing our thoughts to thank God for His blessings and work in our lives on a daily basis is a powerful way to end the day that can prepare us for a night of restful sleep. Nonetheless, it is a discipline that takes practice and requires us to be intentional about giving thanks.

The idea of giving thanks for the good things in our lives can take the form of keeping a Gratitude Journal. I think this is an excellent way to keep yourself accountable to declaring thanks to God on a regular basis, and you can make it as simple or thorough as works best for you. 

I currently just use a nice, lined notebook where I record three things each night for which I am thankful. You can include specific people that come to mind, things in creation, Your salvation and spiritual blessings, a specific situation that blessed you, or whatever else comes to mind.

Regardless of how you do it, we serve a magnificent and Almighty God who is constantly loving us and displaying His mercy and grace to us in life-changing ways. Take time to give thanks to the Lord with your whole heart, and you will be amazed how this blesses you and also facilitates a calming and restful atmosphere that allows you to drift to sleep.

8. Matthew 6:33-34 – Seek First God’s Kingdom and Righteousness; Do Not Worry

But seek first His kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34

It is so incredibly easy to get caught up in the worries that we have about things we have to do or the challenges that tomorrow will bring into our lives, and often it is when the activities of the day that our minds start going crazy trying to process everything that is going on in our lives.

For many of us, the anxiety and emotional unrest that these worries bring make it very difficult to quiet our minds and calm our emotions for a good night’s rest.

Take the advice that Matthew gives us in God’s Word to heart. We are commanded to seek first God’s kingdom and His righteousness. Our very top priority in life should be to pursue God with all of our hearts and minds and to follow His commands as our very top priority.

How can we love, rejoice, grieve, pray, encourage, and show kindness in a way that glorifies God with every moment of our lives? 

God tells us that if we live in such a way, all “these” things will be given to us also. “These things” are referring to the clothes we wear, the food we eat, etc.– the practical needs of our daily lives. It is then as a result of knowing that God will abundantly provide for every need that we have that we can embrace a lifestyle that is free from worry. 

This freedom from worry does not happen instantly; we have to repeatedly learn to surrender our anxieties and worries to God as we learn to trust Him on a daily basis. 

However, there is great victory in allowing God’s peace to guard your heart and mind and experiencing the presence of God in deeper ways. 

Being able to surrender your worries to God will allow the calm of His warm embrace to allow you to get a peaceful night’s rest in amazing ways. Let us trust in the Lord!

9. Ephesians 6:10-13 – Put On God’s Armor to Rest

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Ephesians 6:10-13

While equipping yourself for battle might be the last thing you think of as you are trying to calm yourself for a restful evening of sleep, the evening is actually the perfect time to remind yourself of the protection we have in the Lord and ask God to stand guard over you as you and your loved ones sleep.

Remembering the mighty power God gives you to stand strong against the schemes of the evil one actually helps us rest in the peace and protection God longs for us to possess as His treasured children.

Arm yourself with a special Bible verse that can fend off attacks that cause you to worry, get discouraged, or entertain negative thoughts.

As we sleep, we can feel more vulnerable but God promises us that He is defending and delivering us, diligently protecting us from evil. Claim these promises over the thoughts and dreams of both yourself and your loved ones, so that you can be confident in the Lord’s strength as you awaken to embrace the new day.

You will be amazed at the increased peace and serenity you feel each night as you allow the full armor of God to defend you and protect you from the enemy’s attacks. Remember that it is the Lord that fights your battles, and He is already victorious. Claim that victory over your life each and every night as you drift off to sleep. 

Let your evenings be a precious time of surrendering your concerns to God and remembering the power and authority you have as one who is redeemed by God. God does not slumber and He will guard you and protect you as you sleep.

10. Numbers 6:24-26 – The Lord Bless You

 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

I think this is an absolutely beautiful prayer that Scripture provides for us that we can pray over ourselves and over our loved ones as we prepare for a blessed night’s sleep.

Imagine Jesus standing by your side, speaking this over you, asking God to bless you and keep you safe throughout the night. Imagine the brilliance of the Lord’s glory shining upon you and giving you peace, so that you can be renewed and refreshed with God’s beauty and grace as you sleep.

Allow this prayer to help you turn from your restless thoughts toward a God who just wants to hold you in His arms, and whisper assurances of His blessings and kind thoughts toward you. He wants you to remember how precious you are to Him and that He delights in singing songs, maybe even a lullaby, over you. His very countenance is your night light as He overcomes the darkness and provides light for you to see the path ahead.

He wraps His arms around you in a warm embrace as He gently turns His face toward you, washing You anew in a wave of peace and comfort that drowns out the cares of this world as you completely relax in Him, treasuring what a tender and loving Father you have who dotes over you with His lovingkindness. Rest in these truths tonight, dear one.

11. Philippians 4:19-20 – God Will Meet All Your Needs

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. To our God and Father be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Philippians 4:19-20

One of the challenges that we face as we finally reach the end of each day is that our minds often start doing circles about what is on the agenda for the next day and how we are going to get everything accomplished that needs to be done. Often we start feeling like we just don’t have all the resources we need to provide for all the demands on our lives…there is not enough time, energy, money, emotional strength, etc.

However, it is important for us to remember that God has promised to meet every single one of the needs that we have in this life. Not only will He provide enough to satisfy each need, but He actually brings all the riches of His glory in order to meet each need. If we reflect on what it means to pour out all of the riches of His glory into our lives as He provides for us, there is absolutely no room for doubt that we will have abundantly more than we could ever ask for to satisfy our needs.

In light of this, we can abandon every fear or worry that comes knocking on the door of our hearts as we contemplate how God’s extravagant love and strength will provide for everything we need.

We should praise and glorify our Almighty God for His love and faithfulness as we trust that God will provide for us in ways beyond what we could ever imagine. Sleep deeply tonight as you imagine with glee how the Lord is going to show up and provide for you tomorrow.

12. Isaiah 32:18 – God Gives You Undisturbed Places of Rest

My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. Isaiah 32:18

Sometimes it feels as if the chaos of the world in which we live can penetrate our homes and create unrest in our homes. Whether it involves comforting a child who had a troubling day at school or watching turmoil unfold on the daily news or trying to resolve a conflict with a coworker, it can feel like stressors in our life are penetrating the walls of our homes. But God promises that His people will have peaceful places to dwell and security in their homes.

How is this possible? We must allow God Himself to be the peace we so crave as He fills every nook and cranny of our homes and our lives with His Presence. 1 Corinthians 14:33 declares that God is not of disorder but of peace. In fact, we worship Jesus as the Prince of Peace.

Invite the Holy Spirit that is within you to come into your home and saturate every room, and every wall with His peace, securing the boundaries of your home with His presence and declaring it to be off-limits to forces of evil or the spirit of chaos and conflict.

As you trust in God’s promise that you will live in peaceful dwelling places and secure homes, you can also be confident that He is providing you with undisturbed places of rest. By faith, declare that God will allow you to get a sound night’s rest and that nothing will be able to disturb you as you receive a sweet rest that refreshes the soul. Speak the truth of God’s Word over your household and your bodies each night, and may our compassionate and faithful God give you undisturbed rest as you sleep.

More Bible Verses For Nighttime:

17 Bible Verses On Sleep & Rest

Transform Your Thinking: 26 Powerful Bible Verses for Renewing Your Mind

Healing and Hope: 43 Uplifting Bible Verses about Moving On from Hurt

25 Bible Verses When You Feel Overwhelmed

19 Bible Verses About Temptation (& How To Overcome It God’s Way)


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